ASMR Painting Spooky Rap Album Cover ft. soft earbud music bleed, A/C buzz, and cat collar jingling

hustle bones

Random desire to make an ASMR video. Working on a commission for an up-and-coming rapper, a small painting on a tobacco leaf to be used as album art for a Halloween release. Tapping, splashing, soft ASMR with witchy, metaphysical visual, including candles, salt lamps, black cat (Bronson) in windowsill, and seasonal decor, live and in-time with the audio. No talking. Just field-recording style noise and ambience for relaxation, sleep encouragement, and sensory stimulation. Enjoy and listen to my music because that’s what actually matters to me, you clowns. Btw, sorry I didn’t show the final product, but 1) I didn’t finish and 2) my camera stopped filming about fifteen minutes before I stopped painting. Major bummer. Much love
