*~ ASMR ~* Painting Winter Night Sky { Softly Spoken } NEW CAMERA

Brad Robbo

ASMR Painting using new camera =D Hopefully you find this relaxing, please leave me some feedback though about anything and everything ;D especially …


30 Responses

  1. Brad Robbo says:

    Aaah thanks a lot! =D
    I should write a FAQ with that as the first question =P
    With "Why not?" as the answer xD
    Something something paint something something messy something something something…
    Someone somewhere one time said its best to use gloves with oils because they're toxic, but that's not the main reason… gloves made super sense to me as I was forever getting paint all over my hands/fingers which would spread to other tools, light switches, accidentally on the painting etc 😛

  2. Brad Robbo says:

    Oh you did? Well thanks for the comment 😀 Interesting that, I'm not sure on exactly what it is that made it better for you in particular but I'm glad it worked 😀

    LONGER!? asdfkjh xD Taking that as a nice compliment :3 hehe

  3. xfusee says:

    Ahhh move it away from the fan!! Great video otherwise though 🙂

  4. XFX6870 says:

    Deer!? I was going to say; I live in Leeds so not too far away from you by the sounds of your accent!

  5. Brad Robbo says:

    but! but! 😛 computer fan (not a fan like i was using yesterday – really hot! Haha) and that seemed like a great angle – and thanks! =D In the next video that I'm editing now(/after I've eaten) it isn't directly in front of the fan, different angle (visual may be better maybe worse, we'll see) although I think I'll just be using the normal mic

  6. Brad Robbo says:

    Haaah =P Yeah not that far, both in North (Manchester area)

  7. Brad Robbo says:

    😀 I like mew two!

  8. Brad Robbo says:

    Its crackin' aint it! Takes some good snaps too ;D

  9. Brad Robbo says:

    I'm editing as fast as I cannn!! Haha – Well I will be after I've eaten, thanks a lot mate, thank you for your lovely comment =D

  10. If you load the audio into Audacity, there is a super easy tool for removing excess audio like the fan and such… So it shouldn't matter which mic you use. I can explain it in more detail if you want to message me.

  11. M55Mb says:

    I've asked this before – please can you paint a portrait 🙂
    Just try it – i bet it will be a good ASMR-video 🙂

  12. I must be deaf cos I can't hear background noise…n I have headphones in aswell.n volume full up.

  13. Joy Pittura says:

    Cool cam. Can all of you STOP telling him wth to do!!!Just watch, he puts alot of time into these videos, explains the techniques on how to paint very detailed, not to mention the money for oils etc. So how about a thumbs up and watch, stop its enough already. Comment on how good his painting is, and relax…

  14. cherie1100 says:

    such a calming voice and fantastic paintings ..do u ever sell them 🙂

  15. I am just starting with ASMR because I have horrible insomnia. I love your videos they help me settle my mind so I can sleep. Thank you for the beautiful paintings and the wonderful work you do.

  16. Brad Robbo says:

    Thanks a lot juan!! Appreciate the comment a lot =)
    Next one after this is up (sorry for late reply) and I'm in the process of editing and getting another up shortly!

  17. Brad Robbo says:

    Cheers Tony =]

  18. Brad Robbo says:

    I've answered you before! 😛 I said it would be funteresting to try haha. Although no, not right now anyway, maybe sometime in the future I'll try it – its completely different for a few reasons that I'd rather not get into here. I'm sure it would make a good ASMR video haha, no different to the asmr of a landscape video though but maybe!

  19. Brad Robbo says:

    Heh, thanks for the comment shelly =)

  20. Brad Robbo says:

    Thanks Joy, yeah its quite high quality huh! Still figuring out which settings are best to render the video before uploading to minimise render and upload time but still have great quality picture and sound 🙂
    Thanks for your comment 🙂 Glad you notice the time put into these videos (especially the editing process which some may not even realise :P) Its okay though I don't mind the comments, no one is being nasty so its all good 😀

  21. Brad Robbo says:

    Thanks Cherie! Glad you find my voice relaxing, heh, and that you like my paintings 🙂 I do sell them yes! I have some of them up on my etsy – if you look in the descriptoin of this video there's a link to my website, etsy(Shop) link on the side, if you're interested =)

  22. Brad Robbo says:

    Oh that's fantastic Angela, I'm so glad that my videos can help!!! And thank sfor the complimens. That's wonderful, thank you for sharing 🙂

  23. Your paintings are awesome, you are adorable, and your videos always help me relax! Thanks mate xx

  24. buckie0123 says:

    I always enjoy your videos. Very nice

  25. Trying to work out your accent, Bolton or around that area?
    Great video nice and chillin 🙂


  26. 6:25  what is that? 🙂

  27. drivenhome says:

    Very nice, what are your brush numbers? They are either very brittle or the microphone is in the brush.
    Kidding aside, would like to know the brushes you use.
    What canvas are you using? Do you add a gesso texture?

  28. N. Tali says:

    I enjoy watching you paint.