[ASMR] Painting with Light: Soft-Spoken "Tilt Brush" Experimentation


Hey everyone! In this ASMR video, I try out the VR art app “Tilt Brush” while giving some softly spoken commentary. I’ve found that creating things with Tilt Brush …


32 Responses

  1. ASMattR ASMR says:

    Hey guys! Sorry that this video isn't binaural — it was recorded while wearing an Oculus Rift headset and walking around my room, so using the 3Dio wasn't quite feasible this time around. Instead, I used the mic built into the headset itself to record the audio. I hope you like it regardless! πŸ™‚

  2. Marie Beard says:

    waves at grass "hi grass!"
    Haha that cracked me up!
    Great vid, the commentary is always cheerful and relaxing!

  3. Make a Saul Goodman Video πŸ˜‰

  4. S Emiya says:

    I've seen 360 asmr videos but the way you recorded this was something so new, and as a first time thing, a great video

  5. Amelia PG says:

    I love your soft spoken voice! This is my fave vid of yours πŸ˜€

  6. Holly Dee says:

    Matthew.. i want you to narrate my life lol. You've over taken David Attenborough.. congrats lad πŸ’œ Big love from Australia

  7. HRacingGreen says:

    This is intensely satisfying to watch and listen to actually. Excellent work.

  8. willolmstadt says:

    This is the neatest stuff I've seen in a long time. Your voice is just perfect here. Maybe your squirrels are the mutant squirrels from the Simpsons: https://goo.gl/images/FGK4us

  9. MissFushi says:

    This program is so cool. _ Omgggggg, I loved seeing how it works!!!

  10. 4everreal23 says:

    Haha loved this! Fun video MattπŸ˜„…and remember kids, when all else fails, make the eyes glow.

  11. Emad Irfan says:

    Do Binaural Geralt from the witcher

  12. Bob Almighty says:

    Your VR videos are my favorite videos on the entirety of YouTube, dying of laughter while relaxed. Great combo πŸ‘πŸΌ

  13. Billiam .t says:

    You should do a Sweeny Todd asmr video

  14. Thoroughly enjoyed listening to this buddy! Hope you are well πŸ™‚

  15. RoseDubs says:

    Not gonna lie man, kinda read the title as tit brush. Anyway, good job! This was relaxing

  16. Very cool. Loved the stars!

  17. So Digital Bob Ross? Lol

  18. you could make a religion out of this

  19. Sir, i love your voice.

  20. This. Was. Lovely.

  21. k0941982 says:

    this has so much potential for asmr

  22. jaime nunez says:

    Bob Ross in the future

  23. cesar rios says:

    Men this is like bob ross 2099

  24. alone vera says:

    matt is really a gamer and computer junkie i believe!!

  25. alone vera says:

    if i was your niece i'd borrow your VR device 😭😭

  26. Greg Meyer says:

    Hi, it's asmattr and you're watching Disney channel

  27. Blake Verdon says:

    Imagine the calligraphy possibilities

  28. LogisticMars says:

    19:26 let us remember that eyes-facing-forward= predator. So this demonic squirrel is an apex carnivore. We stand no chance

  29. Are you wearing a VR iphone headset?

  30. Matt, I wish the snake you made was a snake skin on Slither.io.