ASMR Part 3 of 3 Abstract Painting With Feet And Hands Snake In The Grass


ASMR Part 3 of 3 Abstract Painting With Feet And Hands Snake In The Grass


1 Response

  1. Saturnarium says:

    Hi, Eric! I watched all 3 parts and I love that you are finally showing us your creative process. I love how drips of paint turn into something cool… in this one, the reflection of the light looks like an alien travelling through a river (you see, Virgos have imagination too, lol!) I don't really get the concept of ASMR (and oddly enough, some people comment on my channel that I should be doing ASMR, lol) but I love seeing colors mixing up. I hope you do more of thos but maybe you should put all 3 parts in the same video? Just a thought!