41 Responses

  1. Robin Marie says:

    Eloise: I think there’s ghosts. Do you?
    Me: as long as they’re cute — Charlie Gillespie

  2. PyroTheAlpha says:

    I can legit see this character being in one of those Disney Halloween movies about misunderstood ghosts, or in a netflix spooky series for children and that’s great

  3. How did I miss this new video?! Fav character!

  4. Iv said it once.. Il say it again.. You would do an amazing moaning murtle(murkle?) from Harry Potter.. ^^

  5. HERE ME OUT: nightshades great great granddaughter

  6. The acting is top class and the ASMR is brilliant, lots of love from the humble South Yorkshire, England ❤

  7. Marwa K says:

    the soft tapping on the hoop in combination with the whispers was sooo tingle-inducing 💕

  8. Hope Lover says:


  9. i headcanon that she and valley girl are married😳

  10. Okay, can I just say how amazing this person is. She works day and night so we can have entertainment. And to be frank, she is an amazing human being. Thanks Erin! 😀

  11. This character was DEFINITELY Helga Hufflepuff in her past life, you cannot convince me otherwise.

  12. Max Crowson says:


  13. Yael Green says:

    This is genuinely the best series on the internet. Seeing this so quickly after the last one was such an unexpected delight.

  14. You have no idea of the rollercoaster of emotions I went through upon seeing the pen once again, and then seeing it start giving up on her

  15. Can't wait for the Quite Strange Origami class with Eloise!! 🤩♥️😘
    You are so awesome!! An ASMR GENIUS!!! 🤩🤩🤩

  16. stubbing my toes makes me feel alive

  17. You and Gibi should collab

  18. wow the ghost was really active in the background lol

  19. I​ am​ person​ so​ afraid of​ghosls my​ love.

  20. I fucking LOVE this character <3

  21. DishEtti says:

    She sounds like Creepy Susie without the french accent.

  22. i love these videos

  23. Will you ever do anymore Babblebrook content? Those are just great.

  24. J Awesomes says:

    Maybelle reborn in modern times. 😁

  25. Na Boi says:

    oh my god, queen's back, queen's back

  26. qian says:

    i would die for erin and eloise

  27. You need to make this a Kids book!

  28. Jo Giesler says:

    i’m immeasurably happy at the idea that ghosts like gardening and petting dogs

  29. ASMRody says:

    Salmon's cousin returns

  30. Abbi says:


  31. Cass says:

    I protect Eloise with my life

  32. Nathalie says:


  33. Felix Sibley says:

    I feel like she gets super depressed when she’s drunk

  34. your videos genuinely make me believe that there’s good in this world. when i watch you i actually question myself like yeah maybe life isn’t so bad

  35. "Cereal?"
    "My condolences."

  36. I saw this comment on another “quite a strange __” video, and I had to share it. I do not take credit for this at all, but more people need to hear this: this character is the kid sister of the celebrity personal assistant who is trying to be like her older sister but doesn’t quite fully understand what her older sister does

  37. Anyone else not able to watch the whole thing without passing out?

  38. omg i loved the scrubs 🥺💕

  39. mdugan says:

    I rewatch the videos with this character so much