ASMR scratching and painting


ASMR scratching and painting with palette knife. Abstract oil painting. Europe…


8 Responses

  1. Take Aim says:

    Cool painting! Lovely sounds, too.

  2. Hello! Greetings from Russia! In my opinion your picture is not bad, but for abstraction I think it could be bigger, because an impression of size in such way has a great influence. So, keep it up! Sorry for my english

  3. Pepe Do says:

    I love this video! thank you for making it!

  4. M55Mb says:

    Hi Paramonovmudak, I totally agree with you! Bigger is better.

  5. MooJoo5555 says:

    I like this video.

  6. C W says:

    You're scratching his to fasten your sound equipment really Rex the noise