Miyu Red Tingles ASMR

Hello! This a sort of “thank you for 300+ subs” video as I think this has been the most requested video lately and ever… haha
I thought that I could spice regular shirt scratching up with some alligned hand movements! And bits of bubbly mouth sounds and plastic lid tapping at times 🙂
I hope you like it because I love the result! I would love such a mix from other asmrtist to see how it works! 😀 As it’s kinda cringey for me to watch my own videos haha and not really relaxing.

Little story time – I have been all good and stuff, still am however kinda weird feeling going on right now as…
Today I retook an exam with friends (as we didn’t do well on the 1st try). About 2-3 hourse after the exam was over we received an e-mail from the Professor saying that we didn’t particularly show off, he is deeply dissapointed, he can’t even think of the gibberish that we wrote and that only around 10 of us (out of around 40) passed, and he is going to send the list of people who passed on Monday. End.
Excuse me… what xDDD Y U DO DIS PROF??? Okay, let’s not think about the part of only 10 people passing but… the part where he leaves us hanging wondring who are the “chosen ones” for the whole weekend is just pure evil xD! Well, we were used to this Prof usually trolling us for the entire year but… come on, this AINT HUMANE xD
Well. End of story time.
Hope you are having a wonderful Friday 🙂 and also rest well during this weekend. Sometimes it’s good to just do nothing and regenerate :). Sending lots of positive energy! Nothing happens without a reason.

Good nighties!


13 Responses

  1. Vince says:


  2. Congrats for 300 subs ! You know that I love your fast ASMR so this video is awesome and the story time is hilarious 😀

  3. Now we are talking! One of my best asmr videos ever

  4. Yam ASMR says:

    GIRL this is great. Loved it ❤️

  5. Vulpiex says:

    Hope you were one of the chosen ones!

  6. kevo JGmito says:

    New Sub! Amazing video love 💘

  7. J V says:

    I almost thought i am immune to tingles already but your random Sounds in between the scratching proof me wrong. Great vid

  8. And i back to this video again, you are the best

  9. had me hooked in 3 seconds

  10. Rose Daily says:

    This is amazing