ASMR – Sleep Sounds – Ice in a Plastic Bag – Des Glaçons Fondent – No Talking – Audio Only

Signal Drop

Ear to ear-ish plastic, crinkle, and paper sounds. Perfect for helping you sleep.

Dont des glaçons fondent dans un sac en plastique (avec une serviette). Sans des mots. Oreille à oreille-esque.

Profitez-vous de ma peine ! Je me suis blessée hier soir et cette vidéo-ci est le resultat.

Benefit from my misery! I nearly gave myself a black eye last night when the metal part of a pair of suspenders smacked me in the face (I’m special like that) and realized I got tingles from the sound of me icing it! So, allow me to share my first audio-only crinkle-fest of doom.

*My first time playing with Audacity. Please bear with me as I improve my post skills and work towards getting a binaural mic. 🙂


5 Responses

  1. Artemmm says:

    Amazing sounds! Thank you!:)

  2. Chuttanooga says:

    These sounds freezed me at the start and then I melted on for 30 minutes… superb work!

  3. __ nunuhilla says:

    so good texture of sound… woah………

  4. __ nunuhilla says:

    Very luxury kind of sound…