ASMR Sleep Study | Asking You Questions ~ Writing Sounds


I hope you enjoy this. ♥️

My second channel:

What does ASMR stand for?



A feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus.

Examples of different ways to experience ASMR~

🧠Physical ASMR
Feeling calm, sleepy, tingly or satisfied while having your hair brushed/styled/touched, getting your forehead rubbed or your face touched softly while getting makeup applied. Someone softly tracing upon your back.

🗣Auditory ASMR
Feeling calm, sleepy, tingly or satisfied while listening to a particular sound that triggers you. There are several different sounds that may trigger this feeling; such as a whispered voice, typing on a keyboard, water swishing sounds, listening to someone write, turn pages in a book, tap on objects, etc.

👁Visual ASMR
Feeling calm, sleepy, tingly or satisfied while observing someone create art, slice foods, carve soap, wood, candles, trace over shapes/letters with their finger or a pointer etc.


💗𝗦 𝗢 𝗖 𝗜 𝗔 𝗟 𝗠 𝗘 𝗗 𝗜 𝗔💗

🦋 P A T R E O N –

📱 I N S T A G R A M –

🐦 T W I T T E R –

🎧 S P O T I F Y –

💤 T I N G L E S –

👚 P R I M – S T O R E –

💌 E M A I L –




42 Responses

  1. Magnus Figg says:


  2. So we just gonna ignore the loud a** car at 21:07 ?

  3. Gacha Alice says:

    U help me sleep much:3♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

  4. Why not do a try on haul, you have model looks. Im sure clothing companies would give you good free stuff!

  5. J J says:

    Me waiting for a part 2🙈✨✨

  6. JuIieta ASMR says:

    Primie Prim Prim ✨❤️

  7. This is a cute video, my dog fell asleep while I was playing around with my new phone listening to it 🤣

  8. Your ASMR is so cute like you.

  9. Beep Boop says:

    ~❤️~Nightly reminders~❤️~

    ~Turn off autoplay

    ~Drink some water/eat (keep in mind that food does not digest as well at night)

    ~Brush your teeth!

    ~Take any needed meds 🙂

    ~Use your skincare products

    ~Maybe clean your earrings/piercings

    ~Put in a retainer if you use one

    ~Set any alarms for tomorrow

    ~Close the closet door

    ~Make sure you’ve done all your homework

    ~Feed any hangry pets

    ~If you shower in the evening, take a shower

    ~Maybe if you don’t usually, say goodnight to someone!

    ~Make sure you’re cozy

    ~Are your front, back and garage doors closed and/or locked?

    ~Give your thirsty plants some water!

    ~Use a blue light filter on your phone to help your eyes

    ~🧡~A couple things to make you more relaxed~🧡~

    ~Drink some warm tea (watch out for caffeine)

    ~Write in a journal about your day

    ~Write down anything that you need to know for tomorrow

    ~Light a nice candle (remember to blow it out)

    ~💛~Things to help you sleep~💛~

    ~Unclench your jaw, relax your hands and face, and release your shoulders. Everything is going to be ok.

    ~Make sure you are cool enough. It is proved that when too hot, you are more likely to have nightmares.

    ~Write in a gratitude journal. This can help you clear your mind about anything and bring out the more positive things before bed.

    ~Meditate. Meditating can also clear your mind so it is easier to relax.

    ~Decide that the day is over. Doing this gets your mind and body ready for tomorrow.

    ~And please stop scrolling through the comments, it’s only going to distract you and make it harder to get to sleep.

    ~💚~If you needed to know~💚~

    ~ I understand that I have no idea what is going on in your life, but whatever you are going through, know that it is going to get better. Think about some of your worst days. You have made it through every single one of them so far and there is absolutely no point in stopping now. You are an absolute warrior for getting this far because life is harsh and it can suck for a while but it will get better. Trust me 🙂 I just wanted to say I love you and you are a valid being, whether you are a human, an entity, or a lil duck. Either way, you deserve all the love in the world. And I wish I could give that to you so much. 🦆

    ~💙~Fun facts with Beep Boop!~💙~

    ~Did you know that 12% of people dream in black and white?

    ~Otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart. They also choose a special rock at birth that they keep in their pouch.

    ~Did you know bees sometimes like to fall asleep in flowers, preferably with a friend?

    ~Another fun fact: you are ☺️✨🌷GORGEOUS! ❤️🥰🌈

    ~If you don’t see something on the list, feel free to suggest it so that I can add it!

    ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 🏳️‍🌈

    💜~Goodnight lil duck~💜

  10. Fumoffu 420 says:

    Really great ASMR. Thank you!

  11. Al Dente says:

    This sleep scientist has the grooviest looking office. I wonder if there's a connection between her profession and all the butterfly imagery in the room. 😉🦋
    Is that a bell jar I see? I always wanted one of those!

  12. John V Sam says:

    Hai 💗 💗 Prim

  13. You.. should rewire your preferences..I follow ambiance..and the wizarding world.. sometimes my AI crosses platforms..I'm used to it..what I say on Twitter..ends up on Instagram community sections in lettering me I'm used to trippy stuff..I wouldn't take it personally .. sometimes we just need to force guide our new starts..etc.. although I still seen myself..when making new YouTube's..I've done it a handful of times but the mainstream offers have the standard million view stars on YouTube associating my stuff…or in some way indicating being affected by it.. nothing out of the ordinary..if I lived on the same block as you it would be far easier to make you feel safer..but i the world is crazy and it makes me anxious so I need to be everywhere..cause they can't do anything alone for some Reason

  14. Bree Viens says:

    Prim: Do you work? Go to school? – What do you do?
    Me: Well, I take care of my 3 month old son full time…
    Prim: And what shift is that?
    Me: 24/7
    "That might have an impact on your sleeping schedule then"😂

  15. Your hair and makeup look fierce today.

  16. Amy Ercole says:

    The pen writing!! I’ve watched this video three times already (couldn’t sleep last night). This is up there with your measuring video. Thanks for great content!!

  17. Stumbled across your channel today and I love it❣️ Your voice is so relaxing!!!😊❤️

  18. I never heard it pronounced "expecially" before…

  19. Thanks gracias ! Prim u r 1 of the best 🧡🧡🧡

  20. Zoidburg says:

    If you do Yoga please try an instructional video or something of the nature. That would be kind of cool.

  21. Real life Pixie. Making my thursday night sleep possible. So relaxing and calming. Amazing work prim. You should be a professional sleep therapist x

  22. b says:

    i LOOVVVE questionnaire roleplays!! so glad my fave posted one this week 🤍🤍

  23. I love these type of videos especially asking questions and typing on a keyboard if you could you should make one of those 👍 btw I was 100th comment 💕

  24. Michael B. says:

    Had a busy day so I didn't get to comment earlier. But after battling serious depression these last two days, my favorite ASMRtist doing my favorite tingles inducing sound (writing) is at least a few moments of bliss. Thank You Prim. Much, much needed. As always be well, my friend.🤘😊

  25. This is not ASMR.

  26. sarah pammer says:

    YES! There needs to be more of these question asking ASMR videos – I love them 💗

  27. AlaanLaazeR says:

    So beauty and so relaxing😉🐥🥰💙

  28. Jfc your eyes are so damn green I can't even…..

  29. Ko Blake says:

    seriously I feel bad for the ones that havent found Prims channel. shes my all time favorite ☝☝☝

  30. dream ah says:

    this girl is stunning ;P

  31. MKF30 says:

    Great video as always prim, very piercing eyes and I like the hairstyle. That's cool how you have a different look in different videos. Amazing video, the butterflies add a calming effect for sure. Also hey you may want to block user Scott Matson, this person is trolling your videos stalking me and some others with comments he doesn't like. I have seen him bother some of your other viewers from past vids as well. l believe you and other viewers of your channel would benefit if you blocked him from your channel Prim. Anyway great video, keep at it.

  32. poetgb says:

    Prim, This is a great idea for a video to induce a relaxed feeling.The questions are well crafted and thought out. Your voice is so incredibly soft and soothing as you speak. I also really like the writing sounds, which are always relaxing. I love the colors in the background especially the colorful butterflies on the wall. This helped me relax.

  33. Jacob Parras says:

    not immersive enough, can you wear a mask? lol jk great video i'm boutta fall tf asleep rn thank you

  34. Ben Dover says:

    This one is so soothing, I woke up to it playing in my headphones this morning and couldn't even get out of bed as I was enjoying staying in la la land and it was keeping me in this semi awake but super relaxed and soothing state

  35. First, you are among the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Second, your voice is so relaxing and soothing. Third, your content is great. I've been listening to ASMR every night for about 4 years and have watched probably 60-80 different ASMRtists and you are my favorite !!!

  36. Cait R-A says:

    Thank you for always helping me sleep, I adore you.

  37. Your voice makes me want to sleep, but your eyes make me want to keep watching. Both incredibly lovely! This is such a perfect example of how powerful femininity can be.