[ASMR] Sleepy Finnish whispers (+some inaudible whispering)


I hope you enjoy this video!

contact: whitewinterwhispers@gmail.com
instagram: whitewinterblues


30 Responses

  1. You remind me of my very first girlfriend when i was 9

  2. dewhirst69 says:

    Oh silly me. Forgot to plug my headphones in and now my furniture is dancing

  3. Neil Campion says:

    In my 7 years of watching ASMR i can't believe I didn't find your channel sooner!! Utterly amazing

  4. pdhouse says:

    These Finnish whispers be hittin different doe

  5. El_ Marc0s says:

    So Relaxing 😀

  6. JMillz666 says:

    Holy hell, what kind of wonderful ecstacy is this??

  7. John Murray says:

    make full inaudible video pls)

  8. panos hanis says:

    Awesome as always, thaaaaanks!!

  9. Mérce says:

    Be me
    >russian dude with a shovel
    >got told to spot a retard with a mosin
    >dug ourselves in at the outskirts of a birch forest
    >honestly wtf is this much of snow
    >great sight doe
    >the sky is a bit gloomy, and the distance is getting fogg
    >a nearby stream’s light splashing makes it even more ambient
    >it is like the cold ground is leeching away my energy
    >on the edge of sleep
    >w-was that a white fox, or what
    >idgaf, close my eyes, i can see my катуша smiling at me
    >the birch leafs rattle is just soooo soothing
    >it is almost like some beautiful foregin language
    >it is slowly forms a language
    >it must be the language of whispering angels or some shit
    >brain executes bigthink.exe

  10. The inaudible whispering at the end is reeeaaly good

  11. Imagine if she was just insulting us this whole time and we just fell asleep to being insulted

  12. эх, знать бы, о чем вы так сладко лепечете

  13. this language is like nordic spanish, it's beautiful and so pleasant to hear it from female Harry Potter 17:56 romanticco 😀

  14. That's some nasty "Charm Person" spell there. Admit it!

  15. What language do fish speak? Fin-nish

  16. I don't understand a word she saying but come on..look at her eyes… listen to her voice.. it's so relaxing..

  17. fun fact: i dont know where is the simple finnish whisper and the inaudible part

  18. OffPlace says:

    I cant make this stuff up, I havent made it past the 2 minute mark I have no clue what this video is like beyond that point

  19. This channel made me watch Sorjonen, no regrets, Finland is amazing <3

  20. Driver says:

    This reminded me of this for some reason https://youtu.be/B3mWg_aMFBI

  21. Audifan 181 says:

    I love your voice. You have a great ASMR vote.😊❤

  22. Ниче не понимаю, но, бля, прикольно)

  23. Привет, очень классно👌👍✌️

  24. Jaa meikäläisen kieltä/ aaa My language