ASMR | Soothing golf sounds from the PGA TOUR


A collection of calming noises from the game.


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48 Responses

  1. Oqlthorp says:

    ASMR? You activated my PTSD with those fore shouts and balls hitting the trees

  2. Karan Samani says:

    The video we never thought we wanted…

    But now know we needed

  3. Spikey says:

    I’m pretty familiar with the «splash»

  4. RcC Ra1d says:

    Alas I’m early

  5. RMC says:

    This had a chance… But way too fast paced to be ASMR.

  6. Ghost says:

    cool video my guy

  7. Anonymous says:

    wanna be friends?

  8. Not sure who’s doing your content these days, but they’re worth every penny.

  9. HeyItsMe says:

    keep posting quality content! dtA5

  10. Big AL says:



  11. Ghost says:

    nice content bro

  12. Balls landing on greens sounds nice

  13. Great video but I’m surprised there’s no sounds of the ball getting putted or falling in the hole

  14. Where's all the sounds of the ball dropping into the hole? Best sound

  15. I am already sleeping

  16. bruh don't put in loud crowd noises, it's asmr

  17. Leandre says:

    I watched it like 356208969 times
    And thete sre 81 duferent sounds.. 😂💁🏼‍♂️

  18. Yeom Erik says:

    Bubbas shot sounds like an airplane

  19. Kyle Medina says:

    Need more tree hits!!

  20. 808heart - says:

    Nice work to whoever put this together. A+

  21. Anas Rahman says:

    I'm going to download this

  22. Can we get this on Spotify please

  23. This is my new favorite thing.

  24. Martin Lee says:

    The first video of tiger practicing just made my day.

  25. I loved it until the water splashes started giving me the sweats

  26. Matt Cassie says:

    I finished before the video did

  27. Soothing = a pro hitting a tree sounds just like it does for me.

  28. John says:

    use me as a 'I needed that' button

  29. PGA tour if you're listening – we need one of these each week after the tournament. So good

  30. 6 hours of tiger hitting irons would be just fine with me.

  31. Daniel Nomme says:

    How u gonna put tree hits and water splashes in the soothing section?! Thats literally the worst!

  32. Ben Carlson says:

    If you’ve played golf long enough, you can tell whether a shot is good or bad just by the sound of the impact.

  33. The timing of clips is impeccable

  34. 3k2p6 says:

    I came twice in a row.

  35. Damn look at this player diversity. It feels like I'm at a Nascar race. Besides Tiger, there was only one black dude in this video. Unbelievable. And he wasn't even a player, he was a caddie. You guys need to do something before it's too late and your reputation is cemented as a racist sport!

  36. Elisha North says:

    The swing at 0:54 was definitely the Wii Sports golf swing soundbyte

  37. O. G. says:

    RIP metal spikes

  38. Steve Don says:

    0:07 whip cracking!!

  39. David Fisher says:

    My top 3:

    Freddie at 37 and 40 secs
    Bubba at.49 secs

  40. Ryan Rich says:

    This makes me the opposite of sleepy

  41. bigisrick says:

    No balls dropping in the cup? Fail

  42. J McSloy says:

    Is it just me or does this make anyone else really on edge and angry?!?