ASMR Sound Assortment For Relaxation | Chocolate Carving, Tapping, Tracing, Female Whisper

ASMR Dream More

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25 Responses

  1. Peddle Star says:

    I really wanted her to snap the chocolate

  2. Imagine the patience this must take

  3. Awwww that’s a waste

  4. Um chocolate 😋🤤🤤

  5. I love the chocolate one the sounds

    And I’m getting hungry from the chocolate

  6. Pilar Medina says:

    Hoping you did a brownie once you had this recorded

  7. baechu says:

    8:35 the chocolate literally said: ⌛⌛

  8. None:

    The advert before the video: Welcome to the world of anime-

    Me: Nope leme skip this I want to watch the amazing video ahead

  9. The level of self control in this video is amazing

  10. i just wanna eat the chocolate shavings

  11. Grace Garri says:

    10:15 Minecraft pressure plates?

  12. 한주 says:

    Good! 끊기지 않고 계속 부드럽게 소리나는게 좋아요

  13. Miles Dyer says:

    Now I’m just in the mood for chocolate

  14. Janet Gao says:

    @Jessica Harris

  15. Anyone else think that it's more satisfying to watch than to listen?

  16. How did she not eat that chocolate!?!?
    Listen- I might have a problem but, I was forcing myself not to watch because I would inhale the chocolate

  17. amani ismail says:

    She must be sitting in a freezer because I don’t know how that chocolate ain’t melted😂

  18. Kristiina says:

    I loved it when the chocolate was cut with the red knife 💕💕💕

  19. When your alirget to chocolate: yes die chocolate die💀☠👿👿😈

  20. I don't like to tapping the chocolate together and because I start to burst out my anger issues

  21. Привет кто тут кыргыз 🇰🇬💖