ASMR Sounds: Quietly Marking Exams


Hi guys! I’m still here! I’m just buried under a massive mountain of work. I really wanted to get a video up on the channel though since it’s been forever, so.


41 Responses

  1. p3rs0nn says:

    Watching this while doing homework, this is great lmao

  2. Joe Black says:

    Have you ever witnessed someone get every answer wrong lol?

  3. qura azzז says:

    Video starts at 3:00

  4. Cephelraï says:

    Is that really the kind of exams they have ? Way harder in france ^^

  5. Grant says:

    Are you Canadian or American? I’m guessing American although I have heard you say eh quite a bit. 😂

  6. Naw Sdn says:

    this channel is heaven I swear

  7. what exam were you marking? i mean subject wise e.g. english, history

  8. Good video, if only you could've made the letters fade away after you started

  9. Considering I got a very ominous Twitter commercial right before watching this for the fist time, the video was really appreciated and really nice!!

  10. pjmarr13 -_- says:


    Find the bad word

  11. Kymbria BH says:

    I would die if I found out my teacher had an asmr channel

  12. I had to do a second take on this… I can now mark my own papers to the sound of somebody else suffering through the same experience. A whole new kind of ASMR haha keep it up mate

  13. Pineapple says:

    If my papers were in there, you would might as well dip my whole paper in Red paint

  14. Please make another video like this….1 hour is not long enough!

  15. Gabriel Coan says:

    Wow! This is the only time I've found anything exam related relaxing. It's quite a nice alternative to the anxiety commonly felt when taking important exams. 🙂

  16. Just a question, we were told that if you got the question right and crossed it out, but it was still legible you would still get the marks. Is this true or were we all misenformed? Also, I absoloutely love this video. It helps me to concentrate when I am doing my homework. Thank you ❤

  17. Hearing someone work quietly makes you work even better… somehow…

  18. Mikky says:

    You sound like Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec.

  19. Ch Rmax says:

    I would like to see an ASMR channel take an exam, not really grading them. The thinking that goes through during one, and the short pen to paper timing is extremely soothing. Not to mention, the silent concentration and almost silent mumbling that one tends to have when faced with two answers that could be correct.

  20. knnytchr says:

    I am not an ASMR person but this video got me. I love it and I have watched in minimum 5 times in the past two weeks.

  21. aak eeek says:

    so I didnt pass my English 4 final back when I was a senior but my mom legit messaged my English 4 teacher saying "do you really want her back in your class again next year?" and he passed me and I legit graduated because of my mom

  22. Taryll Baker says:

    Coming back to this one… Always chills me out!

  23. I got a C+ on my science final

  24. Why is flipping pages and writing stuff with a red pen is satisfying somebody tell me! *EMOTIONAL

  25. The Blast says:

    I don't think it's always the best option to put something if you don't know the correct answer, if it's far from the answer expected or even aberrant, you may get angry the corrector and be devaluated for the rest of the correction. In order to nuance it's better sometimes to let blank than fill in randomly. (I'm french sorry if I'm not expressing well.)

  26. Imagine finding out this is what your teacher does at lunch

  27. Gabriel Coan says:

    Heh. I actually have exams coming up in a few days as I rewatch this.

  28. hoptrix says:

    Every 10 seconds, say a remark of pain like "OOH!" or "SS-Ooh thats gotta hurt.."
    like you see what's being marked.

  29. Mr Edgar says:

    INSIDE The exam room of a brilliant student

  30. Mark Lee says:

    Don7t talk. you are bothering me

  31. just nobody says:

    that gives me anxiety…

  32. Mutant Star says:

    Bruh every time he talked I cringed

  33. Valaya Hart says:

    I love this specific video of yours because it helps me when I am studying and working on homework! I remember finding it a while ago, and I just found it again. Hooray! Thank you for this gem!

  34. Waffles88990 says:

    I know the pain of work do your best just don't let it suffocate you

  35. Kyle Simpson says:

    Hey Nick, this is a bit old and I'm not even sure if you're still in grad school or if you've finished. But did you ever use Crowdmark or another online-based marking software? I have yet to mark a physical exam in 7 courses TA'd, so curious if people have done both and what they think.

  36. Xinz Rex says:

    It's good but I want no talking too just make me feel like I am in the exam room or work in library that have some people taking the paper to do the exam too. It will amazing

  37. SnugBug ASMR says:

    This was great to study to, thank you ^.^

  38. He had no reason to swallow the way he did

  39. Hope you let your students pass

  40. How many items you have in the test ?