ASMR Sounds: Whisky Collection | Creaks and Swishes from the Whisky Cabinet for relaxation

Kingdom of Tingles

Scratching, tapping, swishing, Hand movements, whispering, Cap twisting and a bit of ear touching is what this video is all about! The bottles provide an almost nautical element to this perceptual landscape. Enjoy 🙂

18:49 = soft spoken whisky notes

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Let go ~ Come back ~ Relax


6 Responses

  1. Liam Magner says:

    Never thought you to be a drinker! Nonetheless this video was great, thanks for the amazing video, keep it up!

  2. TheLostBoing says:

    I unsubscribed so I could subscribe again^^

  3. Lyza says:

    Great video! I love all of the different sounds, and they were all wonderful. I don't tend to get tingles that often, but this video triggered me very easily 🙂

  4. TheLostBoing says:

    What you call "Creaks" is my ear nirvana :3

  5. I really enjoyed this video 🙂

  6. Petr Milota says:

    Whisky starts from 4:17