ASMR – Teaching you French – Beginner Lesson III

elo ASMR

Bonjour, mes amis! I hope you are doing well :] Thank you for joining me for our 3rd beginner lesson in this “Learn French” ASMR series! Experience: 0:00-0:50 …


22 Responses

  1. I never thought that language lessons could be so enjoyable! If I had a teacher like you, I might have learned more! 🙂

  2. Yeah can’t wait to finish it

  3. Sean Rooks says:

    Tres magnifique, as per always. I am thoroughly enjoying this series #eloROCKS

  4. ishdelville says:

    Hi Elo,Merci pour tes vidéos, nous les aimons beaucoup. Je me permets d'apporter quelques précisions qui peuvent être utiles, à toi et à tes auditeurs.
    * French people give two, or three or four "bises", it depends on the region. I've got some family in Paris, they give four bises, I don't know why : ) I usually give two bises, that's enough : ) Be careful, one bise, just one, may be very familiar.
    * 13'00'' be sure you pronounce the R of "au Revoir", I haven't heard it. Indeed, "à bientôt" means "see you soon". * 34'30 don't pronounce the final T of "Ils sonT", except if it is followed by a vowel : Ils sonT intelligents (They are clever), you pronounce the T, because of the vowel. Ils sonT grands (They are tall), you don't pronounce the T.

  5. Joe Saunders says:

    Hi Elo I think I’m ready to speak to someone but I’m extremely nervous about their reaction and it has been a really stressful week.

  6. Your going to put rosetta stone out of business 😄

  7. Slice Of π says:

    This series continues to be amazing ! Super job, you’re covering a lot of ground and it’s obvious you’re putting in a lot of prep work. I know you’re getting some constructive feedback from native francophones and you’re dealing with it super gracefully 🙂

  8. Wow. God job.. great video Elo❤️🌹👌🏻👏

  9. Vath121 says:

    Learning a lot here. Before long I'll be able to comment in French :0

  10. ChocoBueno says:

    Hey Elo !

    Even though I know French already, I love watching your videos of French lessons ! :))
    Concerning the "bon matin" thing, it actually exists, but it's mostly used by Canadian people who speak French and for "salut" it's also used to say goodbye, even in France ;))
    Really really excited for the next video to be released, bye bye 😀

  11. Laupocute says:

    You speak french very well, it's really interesting ! For "Salut" we use it as Hello or Goodbye but only with people you know well (Friends, family, younger people between them). Where I live we made 2 kisses on the cheek (we say : se faire la bise = to kiss on the cheeks to say hello) but there are some cities where they do 3 or 4 kisses 😊

  12. Corey Martin says:


  13. At the beginning, you made a little mistake, it’s « mademoiselle » and not « madamoiselle » . But the video was very good and relaxing ! Keep continuing !

  14. Tokyo ASMR says:

    Tu parles très bien français super relaxant ☺

  15. Bon matin is used , I use it everyday of my life

  16. Finally finished ! Was amazing elo , keep up the good work ! Bonne journée !

  17. Jean Aimarre says:

    I can t learn anything. It s so relaxing that I fall asleep

  18. I’m sure I’ll learn this in my sleep probably

  19. what's that metal thingy in your lower lip?

  20. hykkmyder says:

    Any new lessons coming ?

  21. Emma Romon says:

    I'm french and you help me relax sooooo much. So great work anyways …. thanks

  22. Jon Power says:

    I know using phrases like "J'ai chaud" and "Je suis chaud" can be very misunderstood by the person you're talking to, but, HEY, we learn from our mistakes 🤣