ASMR – Theory of Relativity (For Dummies)

The French Whisperer ASMR

This soft spoken ASMR video is an introduction to two theories by Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity. If you like this video, there are many …


26 Responses

  1. KitCat22 says:

    I'm learning but simultaneously my brain is melting ~.~

  2. The accent, I fell in love with a French accent the second I herd a French Female speak 😍😍

  3. We need French whisperer back!!!!

  4. Dave Dogge says:

    You were great in The Matrix Reloaded

  5. Dave Wilson says:

    Great video. Good to hear Arsene Wenger has found a new career!

  6. Please come back i watch you every night. I hope you are doing well in the real world. Know you are missed

  7. This is the one thing I liked about the Ender's Game series was that it employed the "hard sci-fi" of Relativity in that FTL travel is that for the traveller and you get to where you want to go quickly, but time still flows the same for those not travelling at that speed. So if you travel one light year in a few hours or days, one year has still passed on Earth.

  8. Literally the exact video I was looking for thank you universe

  9. A rime machine that's literally a station in space that circulates a chamber incredibly fast. Throw some food in the chamber and set it to go, throw on a 1 year egg timer and welcome to 2050

  10. But if a clock is a mechanical device used to measure time that has to be set how do they change in relativity or has this just gone way over my head lol

  11. Jac_Har says:

    Anyone else get this video on a calm ad?

  12. I love your accent so calming

  13. B Lovely says:

    Dear French whisperer,

    You not only make going to sleep so relaxing but incredibly informative. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to listening to your videos. Your content and your voice are simply amazing! Thank you.💕

  14. This counts as a – level revision.

  15. C says:

    Just heard this in a Calm ad

  16. Srta.TacoMal says:

    I listened to this video so many times over the years, so when I heard it redone in a Calm ad just now, it was one of the most meta things I’ve ever experienced. Now I’m wide awake contemplating relativity.

  17. I heard you in an ad for the Calm app, did you give them permission or did they just steal your content??

  18. I heard this in a calm ad and I went straight here

  19. I hope the Calm app paid you to use your content. If not, they stole from you.

  20. This ad really gets on my nerves. Not you or what you do, just how much I hear “is one minute always one minute, is a mile always a mile” it gets infuriating. Ironic for an ad named calm

  21. daedalus says:

    Does the app Calm have permission to use this video?

  22. AzertyGames says:

    Juste pour savoir, est ce que tu es officiellement affilié à l'application "calm"? J'ai eu une pub contenant une partie de cette vidéo à l'intérieur. Donc je me demandais…

  23. thank you, it was easy to follow and the calming voice really helped to relax and gain all the attention towards the subject, but I have a question (sorry if it’s dumb) you said that at our feet time passed little slower now this makes me wondering does in Israel at the Dead Sea (the lowest point of earth) people age slightly slower?

  24. Sarah Jane says:

    I heard and read of ASMR and this is the first thing to really make me understand lol!

  25. Came from the calm ad ! Amazing voice

  26. SonnyASMR says:

    Nobody has ever been properly able to explain to me why a clock would go slower at speed. Does the physics of the clock actually change? Why would we age slower, does the chemistry of the human body change?