29 Responses

  1. You are a treasure, one of my favorite channels

  2. Blue River says:

    Thank you so much for keeping this up!

  3. mscaptainljj says:

    Babblebrook idea-you can always make us dream or have flashback about something that witches made us forget (until we make it to the ship)
    Anyway,you are my fav asmrtist and I cant sleep without your videos (some of the vids I know by heart) 😅💝

  4. lycanthrope says:

    maybe the captain could be sweet but cold?? like a bit. bossy but trying to be nice as possible?? maybe yeah, the grandma figure sounds super adorable and cool,,,

  5. omg Erin you are amazing you can't possible be worried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but if your flame ever fades, it doesn't matter, there are few artists who remain at their peak output all their lives.

  6. i’m so excited for her next Valley Girl Personal Assistant video…literally my favorite videos of hers!

  7. I missed the live stream, but this was so nice and fun to listen to!! you should stream more often!! also, I’m a Leo, too 😀

  8. omg i LOVED your old needle felting video! please make more if you want to!

  9. Nathan Cox says:

    For the letter tracing I'd maybe like to see the more "robotic" but a bit slower and more careful hand movements?

    I think maybe the old valley girl feels different from the personal assistant just because of the different relationship dynamic? And also feeling a bit more chaotic.

    I also like the 1920s ideas of the suitcase travel stories and the one someone suggested about being a PI.

  10. Ben Chan says:

    I always thought of the "quite strange" character voice as nerdy, rather than a "baby voice." I'm going to keep thinking that…. 😋

  11. I am excited to see the makeup you are going to try on it looks very artsy

  12. Nathan Cox says:

    Oh what about an ASMR Planning an ASMR Video video? Don't know if your process is involved or interesting enough to make a video about but it could be an interesting opportunity to talk about ASMR stuff.

  13. My favorite Cereal 🥣 is Cookie 🍪 Crisp cause I wove cookies and Lucky Charms cause Saint Patrick’s day is my birthday

  14. Is it just me, or does anyone else think she actually looks a little younger without makeup?

  15. The green is wayyyyy tooooo overpowering – 😔

  16. Kayla F says:

    Idk why but us having the same favorite cereal made my life

  17. dolliemunn says:

    The marauder video was absolutely excellent! In my mind you improve every video. Just make what feels good at the time ✨

  18. dolliemunn says:

    i vote for valley girl being sassy on the date

  19. Sometimes when you’re creating content, you get really cool ideas that don’t line up with the original plot. That’s not always a bad thing. Too much of anything can be a bad thing, even staying on track too much. It’s perfectly healthy to have spur of the moment ideas, and sometimes, those are the best ones. Without taking time to try them out, you get all clogged up and burned out because you’re saving it all for the big things, even though you aren’t ready for them yet. Speaking from my own personal struggles. 😅

  20. AT ben says:

    so beautiful with no makeup on

  21. Tomek Cich says:

    More willow witch. Please Erin:) 🙂 🙂

  22. Jan Müller says:

    you seem like a person I want to be friends with 🙂

  23. Jules Masson says:

    Would love to see more babblebrook and the 1920s videos! Your work is amazing.
    Maybe consider doing one-off babblebrooks specifying they’re not part of the main storyline? As for 1920s would love to see a video where she dresses you for an event, a la the haberdashery. Or searching for clues together on a room, maybe meeting in a tea house to exchange gossip/rumors.
    Anyway, thank you for all you do. Your videos are honestly the best 🙂

  24. How did I miss this wtf I have post notifications on 😭

  25. jjdrama says:

    I haven't even watched all of this but it is so entertaining and engaging just to hear you talk about Babblebrook. I would love more videos and don't worry about perfection. I totally remember the reference to a person who sells dreams…dreams! I can't even remember which character said it…Pipetwistle?

  26. Erin, we love your stream of consciousness style videos. Your variation is what makes you you. And if I see one more person make a “bUt yOu LoOk BeTtEr WiThOuT mAkEuP” I will scream. Women are not dressing for your consumption.

  27. brody 12 says:

    Watching this while doing homework and it's really helping me to focus!! Thank you Erin for the good vibes :-))

  28. mdugan says:

    SOOO sad I missed this live. i have also been feeling lonely this past week erin, I think it’s the not having a real gathering for thanksgiving 🙁