ASMR Whisper Ramble | Writing Books & Having A Bad Dream (Whisper)

SouthernASMR Sounds

NOTE: The second half of this video relates to a crazy dream that I had last night. I’d say it qualifies as a proper nightmare, which may not be relaxing to listen to. Just a heads-up!

This video is a bit of a whisper ramble. I’ll talk about the two books I wrote in my twenties (“Patchwork” and “The Thin Line”), as well as “River Road,” which I wrote in my late twenties/early thirties. I’ll also discuss “Holiday,” which I’m writing now as a follow-up to “River Road.”

Then we’ll talk about the crazy dream I had last night. Yikes!


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50 Responses

  1. Kayla B says:

    That was one heck of a bedtime story about that dream! Lol

  2. T Hew says:

    Fight em by looking good 👍

  3. Mark McBride says:

    You are so beautiful

  4. Omg I was not expecting you telling that as your dream! It’s almost like I want to hear a second part of your dream! But I think we’re all a little frightened and shook up lol

  5. elza Walker says:

    Eyyy great video

  6. Holy crap Mary! That dream sounds like an episode of Black Mirror. I hope I can get to sleep.

  7. Vortexery101 says:

    And I was dreaming about a restaurant selling burger, chips and sushi XD

  8. The only dream I’ve had as vivid as the one you described was about a year ago and I watch a lot of ghost shows and I had watched one before I went to bed so that’s probably why I had this dream… I was picked up by the ghost adventures crew from the show ghost adventures and they took me too my great grandmas house which they were “investigating” we got there and I saw my aunt sitting at the kitchen table the room was pitch black except for the light above the table I looked at her and she had a glass up to her ear almost as if she was listening to the table she quickly got up crying and warned me not to listen to the glass as she ran out the door, all I could focus on was this glass so I sat down and put my ear up to the glass and instantly heard the realest scream ever almost like a death cry and I woke up in a hot sweat to scared to turn around in my bed because of the fear that the screaming woman would be laying next to me… I never went back to sleep

  9. loquitakat says:

    I have learned a lot from a radio therapist i sometimes listen to who has an amazing ability to interpret dreams from a psychological perspective. I would imagine she would say this dream was your way of integrating and processing the fear and powerlessness you went through from your recent experience with the karuna sartori incident. You seemed to be quite rattled by that in similar ways to how you were rattled in this dream. You are a very strong woman and this dream and your desire to talk about it is really a part of how innately self reflective you are.

  10. I would absolutely love to read your book. Is it available for sale on Amazon? ❤️😻

  11. MiuMiuLuce says:

    This I’d the wednesday outfit

  12. I love your whispered rambles!

  13. Bill Levins says:

    You are a very pretty lady.

  14. Sara M says:

    I agree with someone else in the comments! You should totally self publish on Amazon! I've been trained to sleep when I hear your voice and I cannot get through the first section of River Road without falling asleep! I want to read it so badly but….#difficulties

  15. Black mirror episode right there! Or like you sad that would make a great short story!

  16. alexandra says:

    That sounds like a perfect episode of Black Mirror

  17. Definitely a self sponsored video of your book but I never knew about your writing.

  18. Brilliant storytelling Mary! the dream machine would make an incredible graphic novel!! Ps I am a collage artist and I created a piece that has a lot of the similar themes — is there a way I could sent an image of it to you ?✨✨✨I am also a clinical social worker and it seems you are processing a lot of experiences you endured in the past couple weeks

  19. axbt 014 says:

    Your dream scared the crop out of me

  20. Honestly seeing you smile again is WONDERFUL, keep doing you ❤️!!!

  21. Jana says:

    Mary, you are beautiful, multi-talented, so kind and inspiring. Surely, you must be an angel.

  22. 이히엔 says:

    Mary: the nightmare may not be relaxing to listen to
    Me(poor in listening English): THIS IS RELAXING

  23. Gabbyy Weiss says:

    We got that rain over here in Raleigh.

  24. Geauxtama says:

    So interesting that the storm that started in the middle of the video was the same one that flooded and blew my patio furniture across the yard yesterday. Southern (GA) weather is all over the place. 😭

  25. DawnyMarie S says:

    I had a nightmare that I went to hell. It woke me up at 3am… then I checked my phone and saw this video. I was too afraid to watch it lol

  26. Such perfect timing on this for me, as I am on Part 16 of River Road. <3

  27. Lianne Lim says:

    As words coming out from your mouth spoke about the way you writes brings me joy that someone who is well spoken as you are could have the same process as me when in terms of writing a story. I do not have the proper education nor the knowledge on how to write a story, I just type and whatever my mind could think and just go through with it. 👍

  28. Karen Garner says:

    Mary I reckon your neighbour is in cahoots with mine here in the UK, perhaps between them they are building a rocket and landing gear, to travel from North Carolina to London cause mine has been at it for over 3 months at least now

  29. Dave Dogge says:

    I've been waking up with 'I can't breath and am suffocating' type dreams with a yelp and it's not nice.

  30. MG says:

    I could never remember a dream in such detail lol

  31. I loved listening to you read River Road, it was SUCH a good book!!!

  32. Cathy Block says:

    I’ve been listening to you read River Road for a couple of months now & have laughed & cried right along with you. It takes me back to those days of the 90s. I have been saving the last segment to listen to & I think I will listen tonight. Knowing that Liddy & Aiden will be back for a new story is great news. Thank you so much for all that you do.

  33. I love love LOVE the concept of your book. Freakishly i was thinking about selling the soul thing today out of nowhere I thought about supernatural and how it potrayed. Could you upload a pdf format? I would love to read it in quarantine.

  34. When you say “in the cult” what do you mean?

  35. She starts talking about her dream at 13:45 if you don’t want to her about River Road and get any spoilers 😁

  36. Elisa S says:

    Your dream reminded me of Black Mirror episodes but also The I-Land series on Netflix. You should watch it!

  37. I can pretty much listen to you ramble about anything- your voice is so relaxing and calming!

  38. childof83 says:

    Your whisper ramble videos are the best

  39. Angie says:

    I have vivid dreams! Last nights nightmare was my 2 crazy ex husband's and 1 crazy ex fiance were after me but I had The Rock to protect me…not too shabby

  40. Ally S says:

    I’ve never watched the twilight zone but your dream definitely gave me black mirror vibes!

  41. beadlemon says:

    I was totally intrigued from your description of your dream, and truly interested in checking out River road! I hope you are doing well, and that things, have settled down, for you!

  42. Huda Bershan says:

    You’re really really pretty and you have the best ASMR voice. So glad I discovered you!

  43. Me says:

    Wow Mary that’s make a brilliant film! You need to write a book on it. It’d be brilliant. I wanted to hear more. Take care xxx🤗

  44. So glad your back girl, love your videos

  45. Kayla Pepper says:

    Your hair looks 10x better short

  46. YeEhaW says:

    you should write about your dream! maybe it starts with a normal mom and her 2-3 kids and a husband or wife. she finds this ad in the newspaper that is talking about some vr experience that will “change you forever”. she end up going and all that happens.none of them survive and the kids and her partner finds out shes gone because the place calls them is some voice that sounds like theirs saying she found herself and left the country because she knows who she is. and they do this for all the other people. and the book ends with another family reading about the place and ends. WOW I JUST CREATED A WHOLE MOVIE👏🏽

  47. ButterflyFam says:

    You always wear the prettiest outfits in your videos! I love the sparkly top!

  48. LightningSam says:

    Hi you. Wanted to connect and say I seen all the drama through the week. So proud of how you got through things and communicated your heart felt thoughts.. Was blown away with your instinctive personal survival outline that you just got on with. Had no doubt in any way it was business as usual lol… Love the channel, voice, content the whole 9 yards…
    Best wishes,
    Col x

  49. I enjoyed this video very much it was very interesting and at the same time entertaining 👍🏻🥰😊🤗

  50. Gina Eaton says:

    Oh my gosh Mary I was riveted the entire time you were telling us about your dream! You definitely have a gift of painting a picture with your words for the listener so that it can be visualized like how you saw it in your own head. I would love a video of just you sharing terrifying short stories like this that you make up in your mind!