Aubrey Plaza Explores ASMR with Whispers, Peacock Feathers, and Cornflakes


Aubrey Plaza Explores ASMR with Whispers, Peacock Feathers, and Cornflakes



33 Responses

  1. Camille Frigillana im ded

  2. Rubina Kaur says:

    If u want to know the details of asmr and also learn about new apps to give u the ultimate ASMR feeling then visit the blog

  3. Why do I love her so much Brooke McCracken

  4. This is the only one I want to see and its the only one that doesnt work lol

  5. Raymundo Elias this is ASMR lol

  6. Asmr is NOT fuckin WHISPERING.

  7. Cori Paige says:

    Carson she’s the best

  8. Juan Suarez don’t knock it till you try it lol. This is awesome

  9. Wylie Britton our two favorites combined

  10. Amir Khash says:

    Arjew Mahren. rug tag me torrowo on this so i rmeber love i

  11. Taylor White says:

    Emma Mayen I’m fucking hooked

  12. Wendy Orozco says:

    Pedrito Noyola lmao omg watch all of this

  13. Amber Dawn says:

    Sarita Castillo she is actually incredible lol the part about working at NBC had me rolling

  14. Michael Ip says:

    Haun Chung wow so many

  15. Joey Newfield she talks about her UCB life at some point 🙂 andnits soothing !

  16. Ava Arvin watch this one !!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  17. Trent Ellis says:

    Christian this is something you’d be into, right?

  18. Hetty La “I like being rejected it makes me feel alive” 💀

  19. Marlen Casey says:

    Another one omg i love this site 😂😂 im going to use it from now on Renardo Heezy Haynes

  20. Jeta Neziri Krivanek I know this is gross but remember when I would loop my hair and put it in my ear? Lmao

  21. Mike Welch well this answers our question.. She IS as weird in real life 🤷🏼‍♀️

  22. Sin Dvorak says:

    Ugh 😍😍 Matson Adverse Adams

  23. Thought of you. Annie Reeves

  24. Johnnie it’s ya girl

  25. Jami Leigh says:

    She’s my favorite Holli Gustafson Taylor Mackey Breanna Michelle Sharmaine Turner

  26. Taryn Olivas says:

    Amanda New I watched the whole thing, weird but I love her

  27. Laney Wilson says:

    Megan Mileur this is a good one to start with but please freak yourself out by watching these videos 😅

  28. hahahaha this is jerk off material holy shit, i love her XD

  29. OMG! The blotting papers set me off big time! 😊

  30. Jeff Lyons says:

    Jessica Lyons the hair!

  31. Ashley only asmr I fuck with