Binaural ASMR ◕‿◕ Let Me Paint Your Face (German) ◕‿◕


It’s time to paint your face again! The last time I did this you wanted to be a pirate, today it’s all up to your imagination 🙂 Enjoy! NO, my braces are NOT back on, …


29 Responses

  1. This video gave me nightmares

  2. Mary Alice says:

    that brushing noise at the start was killer amazing! I haven't had tingles in a while, and you just fixed that. <3 love ya!!!!

  3. Jordan Trace says:

    Can you please make another massage video? It is by far the best I would say 😀

  4. Aidan Dodge says:

    you should make a channel trailer

  5. Raymond Li says:

    If only there was a normal way to tell people about this stuff. "Hey you know what I did last night? Listened to a girl paint my face in German. Really relaxing, should try it some day."

  6. Tom says:

    How many languages can you speak?

  7. Nasenbär says:

    also du hast gefühlte 100x OK im video gesagt. zum relaxen solltest du auch viel langsamer sprechen – soft spoken ^^

  8. I fell asleep listening to this after being up for over a day. I suddenly awoke with a jolt at around 16 minutes freaked out with that feeling of drifting into a nightmare and like something was possessing me lol. I think maybe I should turn it down a notch next time 🙂

  9. n o b o d y says:

    Du hast mesh, is basically the only German I know. I'm currently starting to learn it as well as Irish Gaelic and Spanish. but focusing on Gaelic because I am Irish 😁😁 Your German is amazing. thanks!

  10. Kommst du aus Berlin? 😅 hört sich jedenfalls so an 👍🏼

  11. Hehe, eine gutes Video, keine Frage. Aber ich habe mich die ganze Zeit gefragt, wie du aus der Spiegelaffäre wieder rauskommen willst. 😉

  12. Your so clever, you speak 3 languages

  13. Celination says:

    Ich wusste garnicht, dass du deutsch sprichst

  14. UA Fishing says:

    I recently started learning German, I understood some words here and there haha. Great video!

  15. PhilZorias says:

    Ich wollte ein löwe sein, aber ein pirat höhret sich viel besser an. lol

  16. Ich liebe diese Rolle spielt, ich schlief innerhalb von zehn Minuten zu beobachten. Mach weiter so. 🙂

  17. Mrmhmd1993 says:

    ich bin ein ausländer, aber ich liiieeeebe Deutschland und die deutschen <3

  18. can you please make an exclusively German inaudible video

  19. Felix Berz says:

    Wie alt bist du?

  20. Jan. says:

    Hab grad deinen Kanal entdeckt weil der mir von YouTube empfohlen wurde und ich muss sagen ich bin echt begeistert 🙂

    Btw: Das Video wurde an meinem Geburtstag hochgeladen.

  21. Conn O'Neill says:

    how did you learn German? I really want to learn it and the only German I've learnt is from school and so I only really know the basics and it seems really hard to learn it. thanks and keep up the great videos 🙂

  22. WaAqul says:

    How can u speak 3 languages perfectly? That's amazing

  23. Marcus P says:

    I speak somewhat decent German, nice to be able to understand it

  24. George East says:

    I've actually always wanted to learn German!!

  25. FE Fan says:

    I didn’t read the title and got confused on what she was saying,but then I realized it was in German. I’m going to English now