Can I trigger your ASMR with?… a HAIR DRYER

Made In France ASMR

Can I trigger your ASMR with?… a HAIR DRYER, asked by several of you. #ASMR #trigger sounds of electric hair dryer / blow dryer, plastic materiel, cable, …


21 Responses

  1. 🇬🇧Ask me in the comment section "Can you trigger my ASMR with… [YOUR MOST WTF ITEM]", and I'll pick one for the next video!
    🇫🇷Écrivez en commentaire "Peux-tu déclencher mon ASMR avec… [TON OBJET LE PLUS INATTENDU]", et j'en choisirai un pour la prochaine vidéo !

  2. The Trikster says:

    How bout an asmr video where you sculpt a volcano out of clay and make it erupt? With baking soda and vinegar? Idk if that’ll be good bout it sounds like fun

    Wait… why did you put it in those colors!? 🤣👌

  4. Exale says:

    Can you trigger my ASMR with Multi-tap switch?
    (Allmost joke)

  5. Alex says:

    can you trigger my asmr with nails on a chalkboard 😀

  6. SkillerBG says:

    best asmr channel you cant argue with that

  7. OddShot says:

    Ok this is random but when I clicked on this video an ad came on and the ad was about anal glance on a dog…….. yeah……

  8. Shuriken says:

    Can you trigger my ASMR with Mayonnaise? 😂

  9. Peux-tu déclencher mon ASMR avec un citron pressé ? 🍋🍋🍋

  10. Emethy says:

    pouah ce rangement de cheveux under the casquette à une main… that was soooo satisfying

  11. ayonista says:

    Peux-tu déclencher mon ASMR avec un tourne-disque stp? Je suis accro au petit « scratch » quand on démarre un disque dessus 🤤

  12. Frothy ツ says:

    Am I the only one who could feel the heat of the dryer

  13. Record It ! says:

    Can you trigger me with a pizza ?

  14. Brodc says:

    Can you trigger my ASMR with nails on a chalkboard or forks on a plate?

  15. Peu tu Déclencher mon ASMR avec une Cloche ?

  16. luellamenthe says:

    Peux tu déclancher de l'asmr avec un robot mixeur ?

  17. Denny Huang says:

    day 2 of asking for a trigger my asmr with a condom

  18. Arcane Zell says:

    The awnser to the title is yes… yes you can.

  19. Lina Lobelia says:

    This is great!!! But i really miss your asmr videos in nature🏞️👌🏼

  20. Peux-tu déclencher mon ASMR avec un chiffon micro fibre