Chasing Madoff

Chasing Madoff

CHASING MADOFF is the compelling true story of Harry Markopolos and his teams ten-year struggle to expose the harrowing truth behind the infamous Madoff scandal. Throughout the decade long investigation, Markopolos pieced together a chain of white-collar predators, consisting of financial fraudsters, lieutenants, and henchmen, all linked to the devastating Ponzi scheme. With risk and danger apparent, Markopolos and his loyal team, known as the “The Foxhounds”, relentlessly continued to pursue the frightening truth. Finding himself trapped in a web of epic deceit, the once unassuming Boston securities analyst turned vigilante investigator now feared for his life and the safety of his family.


7 Responses

  1. Dawn Edwards says:

    Harry, you are a hero! You risked it all to bust this lousy bum! Your children are right to say, My dad is my hero!!

  2. Anna Warner says:

    Markopolis should get the highest national awards for his courage, honesty and competence. Did He? What happened to SEC lazy bums who were sleeping on the job and did not want to get into any controversy even though Markopolis gave them documentation. Did they get another cushy government jobs with pensions, medical insurance and hefty salaries?

  3. Lisa W says:

    What's up with the long, credit sequence in the beginning with overly dramatic music??? Odd for a documentary. I found myself saying "Get to it," lol!

  4. BG Meadows says:

    Harry is a modern-day "David" slewing the "Goliath." In this case, that "giant" was the execrable Madoff. Harry, you're what being both an American and human-being is supposed to be all about. Bravo.

  5. Harry Markopolos claims that he is not a hero. He is! Despite all the letdowns, disappointments, fears, and overcoming the odds of trying to prove to the American Mainstream News Media and the United States Security and Exchange Commission, he overcame his disappointments and was proven right. The work that he and the other men did to bring Bernie Madoff to justice was done in the end. To that end, the People of the United States owes to him a debt of gratitude that can NEVER be repaid. My person Best Wishes to Harry Markopolos and his Family. For his undying dedication, he should be nominated and receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  6. ksaulton says:

    How about this: you all were idiots, fuck you!