China Girl ASMRtist 🐒Monkey King Final 🐒 Painting 🐒 ASMR

China Girl ASMRtist


10 Responses

  1. I've been waiting for this video. Very good. I have added this channel to my favorites list.

  2. 我爱你的画啊!你真是太有才了~

  3. Razor says:

    You did that? IN that case, such talent

  4. Been looking for so long for a channel that focuses on painting💚💚 beautiful.

  5. ZandiASMR says:

    You’re amazing!

  6. You're awesome, and just got your 200th subscriber.

  7. BlockHead says:

    Why do people think that’s the original look

  8. 我正在学习希腊诸神,我从来没有忘记太阳悟空作为一个神也很好的艺术

  9. 所以人们认为他是一只金色的sn鼻猴