Dear Southern ASMR sounds,

Frankie ASMR

Please do better Mary. It may be uncomfortable for you to speak on issues like this but that is why it is so important. One white person to another, we have and NEED to do better so that we can use our positions of power and privilege to help those who face daily struggles we will never understand. I know that you might not want to speak on politics or religion on your channel, but you have a platform and I believe it is your duty as an influencer (whether you believe you are or not) to promote what is right. White silence is black death. Your video made me sad because you are someone I have watched for a very long time, but I can’t support someone who values their own ambiguity and silence over fighting for a cause which is so obviously right. You should know that Karuna Satori ASMR’s intentions were nothing malicious and she was instead trying to educate you on how you are blind to your own privilege – which is a harsh reality to face but it is the truth. She cannot control what people comment under your video, but I do believe you have a right to feel uncomfortable and should be made to feel that way. Change has never been a comfortable thing.

thanks, frankie


48 Responses

  1. Tanner ASMR says:

    Hope you’re enjoying the 100% Like/Dislike ratio! Listen. You were probably born this century. And you’re a white guy. I’m of mixed race and I’m sick and tired of people like you. God Bless the USA & Mary! #AllLivesMatter

  2. She was crying over death threats. That crap is scary.

  3. Why does she owe an explanation to you? Her entire video explained that she wanted to stay out of this mess. She wanted to make relaxing videos and distract us from how angry the world is right now. She wanted to brighten peoples day. But because she didn't remind us of just how messed up everything is right now, shes a racist bigot? Absolutely not. I watched Mary's entire explanation video start to finish, and I watched karuna's video start to finish. Karuna was in the wrong. Did she apologise for it? Yes she did. Did she start this whole thing? Yes she did. Did that in turn make some of her fans threaten mary' s family? Yes, and karuna admitted that that was not her goal, and that shes very upset that they did that. However, karuna admitted that she never did research on mary, and this whole thing was a huge misunderstanding. That was wrong. Mary then getting mad at karuna for that and stating something along the lines of "I've heard about your past and its not great" is 100% an appropriate reaction. At least Mary did the research before making huge claims about her. I don't see how you sending more hate towards mary will solve anything

  4. missymbm says:

    You are an idiot. She doesn’t need to say anything…certainly she would be judged by people like you no matter what she said.

  5. Jenna F says:

    and where did my comments go ? interesting

  6. Jenna F says:

    if your gunna unfairly delete comments delete the video cuz thats a damn shame

  7. Jenna F says:

    you couldnt even handle my comment on your video. and it wasnt even a fucking hate comment. whelp at least i know u had to have read it before you deleted it 🙂 ur the only one the comment was for anyways

  8. Owen tm says:

    maybe you should try what ur doing with the comments with this video, like delete it plz <3

  9. kelsie trnka says:

    Everyone has a right to give their opinion, you just gave yours so I’m going to give mine. I don’t want this comment to seem like hate, I’m not trying to make it sound mean, and in no way, shape, or form am I saying that what happened to George Floyd was right cause it wasn’t. Frankie I’m not sure if you have seen Karuna Satories new video but please watch it. But now onto my opinion on what you just said in your video. You should not be calling Mary out for crying because she has been threatened, people are demanding her to talk, and she is being called awful names that no one should be called. If Mary didn’t want to talk about this situation on her channel that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want to make a difference and that doesn’t mean she accepts what happened. What happened was wrong and awful, Mary even stated that in her video. You can’t judge Mary because she didn’t talk about this, she didn’t want to talk because she knew that her true subscribers come to get away from the world and just relax. So I hope Mary doesn’t see this video in hope she won’t get crushed even more by people like you trying to tell her what do to and say. Put yourself in Mary’s shoes and think of what it would be like with this pandemic, riots and looting, and now people being jerks because you all don’t understand Mary’s point of view. Do you know of how many other YouTubers aren’t talking about this and yet your calling out someone who you like as an ASMRist who literally does everything for her true fans. You can talk all you want about George Floyd and that’s totally ok, but let other people decide how they want to talk about it and if they want to talk about it. Thank you for your time and I hope this message will change your point of view on this situation. Stay safe and healthy everyone during these hard times.

  10. Moonlight says:

    I think people have trouble separating things. It's horrible that Mary had to go through dead threats and scary messages. But we are not debating that, she remained silent and she said she did because "she can't win"… I mean… Is not about you winning, at all, it's about human rights. That's it. She can remain silent, of course, she can do whatever she wants, but it is super disappointing.

  11. Claudia F says:

    Her video was not a statement it was a video asking people to stop harassing her and her CHILDREN. Your only adding fuel to the fire.. she has a right to choose not to speak about political things. Karuna was not right to do what she did and this is coming from a fan of hers. The fact you said people do have a right to make her feel uncomfortable is disgusting.

  12. Mochi Mochi says:

    ASMR is supposed to be a place to go to escape or forget. There are protesters who come home at night and need to rest and want to just to take time to not think about what they saw. There are activists who are doing all they can while having tragedy after tragedy shoved in their face all damn day. People can't continue to fight if they don't get a chance to recharge their batteries. People can't continue to fight if they can't decompress. Think of ASMR as a mental medic tent for the protesters, activists, and people who just need a moment away so they can get better and head back out to the fight. We need these spaces to be free of negativity so minds can cleared and recharged.

  13. atom pie says:

    have you stopped for a moment and thought that she is supporting the cause OUTSIDE of the internet? like this is a woman in her mid 40s, maybe she likes to support the cause in physical life and keep her internet channel as a hobby where she can escape every day life. or did you find this a good opportunity to show us how woke you are and grow those 29 subscribers you have?

    also, she did address the incident with George Floyd so don't bullshit and said she didn't. now fuck off.

    oh, and nothing personal, but your ASMR sucks.

  14. LauraF says:

    Omg your a horrible person. How could you say that about her. She’s afraid for her children and herself. You should put yourself in her shoes. She wasn’t playing the victim, when your clearly the victim. Leave Mary alone. Delete your channel…😡

  15. LauraF says:

    Why don’t you do better with your 29 subscribers huh. Compared to Mary’s.

  16. Davide Wolfe says:

    What a stupid video. You have no empathy

  17. Rain Drop says:

    No. Just no.

  18. Razzzzzzzerc says:

    'We need to do more?' Exactly what have you done for black people? I also assume you have a job or study , so why not quit your job or studies and go protest 24/7 for black people or other issues, instead of making a YouTube video criticising someone else? Considering you say that there are bigger issues to address. How many homeless have you helped, as thts another issue? How many starving kids have you fed? How many corrupt politicians have you helped get arrested? How many charities have you donated to? Considering these are all issues, I wonder what you actually have done on this planet, since you expect others to conform to your mental state, instead of looking at yourself and seeing what you could actually do to help. You also stipulate tht you have no means to contact her, but she has a twitter, why not ask to dm her on there? Also have you called out any other youtbers on this topic or are you just going for Southern ASMR? , Intresting. 🤔

  19. mochibaby says:

    I want to speak my own opinion on this matter.
    Mary indead spoke her own opinion in terms of COVID (super political), donated money to the "red, white and blue" wreaths when Trump was elected, etc (taken from Lilliana Dee on twitter), so yes Mary has done political things on her channel so she is a hypocrite on that. However, calling her out is really weird from two white knights. There is a saying "silence is advocating for the voice of the suppressors" (silence means you are for the cops), so if she wants to stay silent thats on her and her choice only. You've seen what she has done politically, and its not YOUR job nor Karuna's job to call them out when they aren't speaking out on it. Plus WHY ON GODS EARTH are you making this an ASMR when it's serious? Come on now. . .don't stoop so low yourself, just support what you support and advocate it for yourself and your black friends. If your black friends want to call Southern ASMR out for her behavior, that's fine but don't do things for the behalf of black people and assume its the right thing when they aren't doing it in the first place.

  20. 5 says:

    Who the fuck are you, useless snowflake? Go do something that helps the community instead of spending 10 minutes talking crap about x person not doing what you want You think you're helping ANYONE with this stupid fucking video? Useless rat.

  21. Magi Algarin says:

    Enjoy the 5 minutes of fame

  22. fabi0la says:

    Wait what happened ??

  23. I was willing to listen to you but I could only take about 10 seconds of Dollar Store David Bowie whispering his frustrations. Is this a sad attempt to get viewers?

  24. Satans child says:

    There is 69 comments and I’m so conflicted about ruining it but I have to say YOUR ASMR VOICE IS DAMN GOOD thAts AlL I’m nOt sAyIng I AgReE or disAgreE

  25. Lavy ASMR says:

    Btw your asmr voice sucks tbh. I’ve been watching asmr for 6 years and have seen everything across the spectrum. You’re the first asmr to irritate me with your asmr voice.

  26. So is this a man or a woman, or somewhere lost in between? Maybe your 32 subscribers can point me in the right direction. Anyways, for you to piggy back off of Karuna looks dumber by the day.

  27. And btw she doesn’t owe you or anybody shit. You seem like the kind of person that the world wishes would just go away.

  28. You are so ignorant it hurts

  29. Dude every race is killed injusticed everyday ppl just got this on video this time it’s unfortunate what happened and it’s not right but ppl are murdered everyday no matter what race yes it was a cop and they abused their power which is not right but if that was an Asian person or a white person or a Mexican person the impact unfortunately would not be the same it’s because he was black and ppl tend to feel bad for black ppl because of history racism is everywhere not just against African Americans u say ppl are dying your right ppl are dying from riots and hate and last time I checked rioting and killing and stealing because of a disagreement in politics is a hate crime as well and I would be scared to if I was being threatened and that rule for not talking about religion or politics have been there for 5!! Years it’s not new and from the way your talking u are just sounding like a follower following the herd and your just as privileged as her because your white she is just standing up for herself why can’t she have an opinion

  30. Sammy Jane says:

    She didn’t owe anybody anything. Just because all of a sudden people want to turn civil rights into a trend, doesn’t give white people the right to band wagon onto it bc their Coachella was taken away. (And it’s all unproductive. You know what’s actually productive? Donating, protesting, and if not those things, sign petitions or contact lawmakers)

  31. This video is really unacceptable..

    Sure! She made that comment! But that's because she was scared from the riots happening! She doesn't want to get caught up by the situation and wants to be safe away from them, that's what she means by being silent! She was not racist and she wasn't defending her white privilege that has to do with this strong topic!

    Also having people making death threats to her and her children is not ok!! It brings harm to her family!! I feel like you are not aware of that matter..

  32. Sam C says:

    Disgusting human being and delete this comment idc

  33. Sara says:

    Not everyone has to promote this shit. Its not an obligation, and WHO knows if she hasnt donated or done something? We arent stuck up these peoples asses. She was literally just wanting her comments to be stress free, bc in these times its very stressful! We're changing history here. And the south very strongly believes in BLM cause we're not racist idiots (some are but, theyre everywhere in the world. ) I think this is just adding more fuel to the fire. And nobody cares whos side youre on bc there is none. Have a nice day, twat 😌🖕🏼

  34. M & M. says:

    he probably only did this for hype.

  35. Carl Azuz says:

    You’re literally a nobody. You will never be anybody or get anywhere in life trying to reprimand someone or stick your head in a situation that is way to complex for your tiny brain to comprehend. You’re not intelligent enough to talk on this subject. Fuck off kid.

  36. Dude stfu she was receiving death threats for fucks sake! Not everyone has to speak out on blm, and she decided to stay silent she might be supporting blm some other ways, just because she stayed silent on the issue doesn’t make her a racist. You sound like a moron

  37. jennifer m says:

    She doesn’t owe you shit. Her having a platform doesn’t mean that she owes anyone anything. Maybe you should read the room. It’s her channel, her content. A lot of “influencers” aren’t talking about it. How are you going to bully someone into posting something they don’t want to post? Idk how this is Mary’s fault when Karuna started it all.
    Since you’re so “woke” about these issues then send the receipts of how much money you’ve donated. Had she ever said she believes in the all lives matter ? Clearly you’re just trying to find someone to hate on

  38. starssy says:

    Mary doesn't have to speak up on BLM, if she wants to stay silent she can. Not everybody has to being attention to herself. If you actually watched her video she talks about how her channel is supposed to be relaxing and no political topics or religion which is absolutely FINE. What she is doing is FINE, and you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE HER FEEL "UNCOMFORTABLE". Stupid, stupid video.

  39. Alex Peters says:

    This is stupid, just because she didn’t make a video about BLM doesn’t mean she doesn’t care. She was scared about death threats. Grow up you moron

  40. Naomi Murphy says:

    Wow… just wow. I hope you find something better to do with your time…

  41. SinginginD says:

    You have 34 subscribers and almost nobody has liked this video. Take a gander around the Internet. You will be hard pressed to find people who are still against her. Read the room. People are angry with Karuna right now. Not Mary.

  42. SinginginD says:

    Also check out her black subscribers and people of color who love and support her. Myself being one.

  43. front door says:

    Blame karuna satori for this shit. She knew what she was doing. She panders to her audience calling them her family, saying she love and adores them with ALL OF HER BEING and has them call her mom/mommy. It doesn't take a genius to know when you post something calling out and ripping a creator a new asshole. Your FAMILY is going to attack and you know it..karuna is a grade A panderer. She doesn't care about BLM, she just saw a perfect opportunity to make up for calling black ppl N words a while back so she pandered to the BLM ppl. She doesn't fool me. And YOU, SIR, MISS, WHATEVER THE FUCK… ARE JUST AS FUCKING DUMB AS THAT BITCH.

  44. J R says:

    Okay great job that's one down, but I'm assuming you're going to make a call out video for every single person on YouTube who didn't explicitly make a video about the situation, right? Bc if you're not, your concern is fake as hell

  45. Oh Wow. Like dude what u just did was not fucking cool at all. Are you deaf??? She clearly said that she used asmr as an escape from reality, she made a choice to keep silent, cause of that she getting death threats aiming at her and her children, even being called names. I maybe a new fan of Mary a.k.a. Southern Sounds ASMR but I can tell that she is sweet, caring, intelligent & mature woman. SHE'S ALREADY HURT ENOUGH SHE DOESN'T NEED YOUR BULLSH*T ON TOP OF IT TO MAKE IT WORSE. YOU'RE BASICALLY RUBBING SALT INTO HER WOUNDS. SO JUST STOP CAUSE YOU PROBABLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE @#*% YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!! btw your is okay-ish but you a little more practice because I'm cringed af right now.😬😔

  46. Fuck you. It is not her "duty as an influencer" to promote what is right. If she doesn't want to say anything then let her not say anything. ASMR HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH POLTICS OR RELIGION. She doesn't want to talk about and doesn't need to talk about it. FUCK YOU.

  47. You are a loser!!!!!!!!!!!