Deep Ocean: 10 Hours of Relaxing Oceanscapes | BBC Earth

BBC Earth

Be wowed by incredible creatures in this journey through a mysterious part of our blue planet with this 10 hour loop. Subscribe:

#OurBluePlanet is a digital collaboration between BBC Earth and Ocean X Media with featured media from both companies. Join the conversation over on Twitter @OurBluePlanet.

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48 Responses

  1. Wow, what a cosmos! I highly recommend watching this it in 420k resolution 😉

  2. Meiry Muniz says:

    5:37 it looks like a giant Fried egg onde the top of an Alive spaguetti lol

  3. Lewis Pepper says:

    The first fish: 👀

  4. Ashley says:

    What is the fish at the beginning?

  5. This is only 20 minutes of footage. Why would you make it into a 10-hour loop?

  6. i keep looking for one without a subscribe button on the vid…have no idea why they put them on the vid when they are right below the vid anyway…another thumbs down

  7. Carias Ana says:

    Now this is relaxing 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌❤️❤️

  8. Billie Eilish wants to know your location

  9. You say relaxing but these fish are legit terrifying aliens

  10. Best video on youtube.

  11. Paty M. says:

    Fantastic! Could you provide a list of the species shown? Many of them look so alien… I want to know more!

  12. Simon Sozzi says:

    LIES! It's just a 20 minute long video on a Loop! It starts repeating at 20:00. 19:57 Our Blue Planet logo and then repeat. Could have been cool. Too bad.

  13. Simon Sozzi says:

    You people are really NOT paying attention! It's the same 20 minutes looping over and over again! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤔

  14. nicemutant says:

    This is simply amazing thank you very much!

  15. HMA Hesham says:

    i wasn't relaxed , i was like : oh wow what is that ,
    oh what is that
    ew thats weird what is that ?

  16. moe Alan says:

    Subhnallah! The Beautiful Creations of God

  17. SmokingSpoon says:

    Man… feels good to have a nature video without a $#@ narrator.

  18. Brody Miller says:

    I remember the first time I witnessed the ocean. It almost feels magical. The ocean is also legitimately really salty, like I didnt expect it to be that salty lmao

  19. Does anyone know what the creature(s) at 59:35 is? The long, tendril-y glowing blue one!
    I’d love to know 🙂

  20. import 11 says:

    Is that a loop video?

  21. What’s that second sea animal ?

  22. vikas s says:

    Is this animation,?

  23. Dana garza says:

    I love how I can actually "hear the water "swoosh " as each creature moves … Awesome !!

  24. Some of the close-ups and the macros look like they were shot on a rebreather.

  25. Hurty18 says:

    Is the luminescence somehow enhanced? The first fish looks like evolution couldn't decide between fish and jellyfish. Ane the sound really syncs to the footage but it's hard to imagine they were able to detect the sound of flapping fins. Just as it's hard to imagine, that the animals really announce themselves with such luminescence. But I guess I'm wrong. I'm in awe of the beauty of evolution.

  26. Srî Kanth says:

    The video is being repeated. I am aborting at that point. Repetitions are counter productive.

  27. Dan Atatakai says:

    For the first fish, I would not want to mess with him! His eyes are in the front, denoting "preditor". Interesting, yet cautious!

  28. Deep Ocean: Here is 10 hours of "relaxing" footage. First 6 seconds: Hi I'm a demon fish. I eat little children

  29. Are those their real color or is that the camera

  30. how did they hold their breath that long?

  31. juniperpansy says:

    Wow what is the animal at 6:35?

  32. Kri MD says:

    So far so good ,
    Beginning with the deep and those deep resonating
    Underwater sounds , so wonderful to drift off to sleep to … hope it remains as good throughout the looped content , as I was disappointed in two previous vids , where it shifted from several different oceanic environments, yet it wasn’t Disappointing to see the beautiful animals and views … but BBC had to plaster their logo on a black screen throughout the ten hours , while having interrupting silence every time they did it. Then when shifting from scene to scene – too quickly mind you, the sounds / frequencies were so drastically different that it caused anxiety and stress , where I’d begin to settle down and enjoy , just in time for them to switch to other content or an otter banging the crap out a clam at the water surface for 30 seconds like
    Fierce banging the crap out that thing lol , which I’d have been fine with but it was looped into the vid and would occur right after I’d start to think I could drift away to peaceful sleep … might I say ,omg … that underwater sub observing chamber is both frighteningly scary looking amidst the darkness of the room and screen .. felt
    Like. I was one of
    The little wildlife having to play defense & manage to swim out of its path haha. Very nice images contained in this. So far , as I said .. as I type and prepare to listen and enjoy more , so far so good. Here’s to the rest of the vid being as well done .. there are some startling sounds within the recording , around the “underwater lakes “,Where the molecular content which becomes a thick brine composition and is Heavier and more saturated with salt than the water surrounding, to form these areas of well defined paths that allow for what appears to be flowing rivers streams and lakes to be formed .. anyway upon the showing of this environment around 12 min into the vid , when I noticed Or was slightly startled and put off by the elevated frequency and pitch of the humming like , rushing of water / ocean noise and wasn’t nearly as bad as the other vids transitions , but we shall see ,, or hear .. cuz I’m sleepy 😴 goodnight everyone. God bless you all for restful comforting healing reparative sleep and beautiful blessings in the day ahead , continuing.

  33. سبحان الله العظيم

  34. N Corp says:

    Does anyone know what all that yellow and white debris is that you always see floating around deep in the ocean?

  35. Greg Lemieux says:

    17:47 what are those two crabs doing to that poor sea eggroll?

  36. Waruto Ono says:

    its free stock footage…? can i reused…?

  37. honey_ lily says:

    Omg soooo cute

  38. The fish in the very beginning is so beautiful😍

  39. Kateri May says:

    # 420 for comments !!!🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻

  40. all this gives me is anxiety

  41. Maija Liepa says:

    ♥️🌎♥️🌍♥️🌏♥️🐝♥️🌳WOW-🌹THANK🌹YOU🌹in “SafeHarbor”🌹WorldWide🌹shut down during 1st corona virus19 pandemic.♥️🐬♥️🐋♥️🐳This is ♥️🙏🌹🙏🌹🙏♥️WONDERFUL♥️🙏🌹🙋‍♀️♥️4-10-20♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️