Dishwasher Sound ( 1 Hour )


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This is a recording I took of my dishwasher. Pretty strong electrical hum going on in this one. Some nice deep bass. Wash the stress away as you go to sleep, relax, or meditate to the sounds of dishes getting clean.


7 Responses

  1. Nighthawke70 says:

    That reminds me, I gotta go do dishes >.<

  2. My dishwasher doesn't sound like that. More like "why don't you do the dishes once in awhile? When are you gonna pick up those socks? Did you take out the trash like I asked you?"
    etc. etc. etc.

  3. GhostShock says:

    I like this one. Really swooshy scrape. Please do a 6 hour.

  4. Can I request a diesel engine at idle. But heard from the inside of the house(like kinda muffled). It's a good one! Thanks in advance lol

  5. Pea Stone says:

    It's quite a calming noise. I try to sit my wife next to a running dishwasher when I have bad news to tell her such as we need a new transmission. She takes it in stride.

  6. Today store my New frigidaire dishwasher