EATING BUBBLEGUM!! Kluna Tik Dinner | ASMR eating sounds no talk Chicle de pelo

Kluna Tik

➜ I swallowed a lot of bubble gum for dinner, it also got in my hair
➜ Hi, I’m Kluna and together with my venus flytrap we eat funny/absurd meals like: mermaids, soap, cement and much more!

➜ Kluna Tik Dinner videos:
➜ Charlie the Venus Flytrap:
➜ Kluna & Charlie (Luna tic) eating MINIATURE food:

➜ Business enquiries:

These videos contain ASMR sounds like: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing but no talking.
WARNING: Eating is NOT real, DON’T try this at home!
I ate (eating bubble gum) a lot of bubble gum I even swallowed the bubblegum and it got stuck in my hair to while making the biggest bubble gum in the world!
Estos videos contienen ASMR suena como: beber, tragar, comer, masticar pero no hablar.
ADVERTENCIA: comer NO es real, ¡NO lo intentes en casa!
¡Estoy comiendo un chicle por un montón de chicle por un montón de chicle en el mundo!
ASMR ressemble à ceci: boire, avaler, manger, mâcher mais ne pas parler.
AVERTISSEMENT: Manger n’est PAS réel, NE PAS l’essayer à la maison!
Je mange un bubble-gum pour beaucoup de bubble-gum pour beaucoup de bubble-gum dans le monde!
Diese Videos enthalten ASMR-Sounds wie: trinken, schlucken, essen, kauen, aber nicht reden.
WARNUNG: Essen ist nicht real, versuchen Sie das nicht zu Hause!
Ich esse einen Kaugummi für viel Kaugummi für jede Menge Kaugummi auf der Welt!
Эти видео содержат звуки ASMR: пить, глотать, есть, жевать, но не разговаривать.
Я съел (кушал жвачку) много пузырьковой камеди, я даже проглотил пузырек, и он застрял в моих волосах, создав самую большую в мире камедь-пузырь!
Esses vídeos contêm ASMR como: beber, engolir, comer, mas não falar.
AVISO: Comer não é real, não tente isso em casa!
Eu comi (comendo chiclete) um monte de chiclete Eu até engoli o chiclete e ficou preso no meu cabelo enquanto fazia o maior chiclete do mundo!
इन वीडियो में एएसएमआर लगता है जैसे: पीने, निगलने, खाने, चबाने लेकिन कोई बात नहीं।
चेतावनी: भोजन असली नहीं है, घर पर यह कोशिश मत करो!
मैंने खा लिया (बबल गम खा रहा था) बहुत सारे बबल गम मैंने भी बबलगम को निगल लिया और यह दुनिया में सबसे बड़ा बबल गम बनाने के दौरान मेरे बालों में फंस गया!
تحتوي مقاطع الفيديو هذه على أصوات ASMR مثل: الشرب ، والبلع ، والأكل ، والمضغ ، ولكن دون التحدث.
تحذير: الأكل ليس حقيقيا ، لا تحاول هذا في المنزل!
أكلت (أكل العلكة الفقاعية) الكثير من العلكة الفقاعية بل ابتلع الزاهي وعلق في شعري إلى حين جعل أكبر علكة الفقاعات في العالم!
Dessa videoklipp innehåller ASMR-ljud som: dricka, svälja, äta, tugga men inte prata.
VARNING: Ätning är INTE riktig, prova inte detta hemma!
Jag åt (äter bubbelgummi) mycket bubbelgummi jag slog till och med bubbelgummen och det fastnade i mitt hår för att göra det största bubbelgummit i världen!
Disse videoene inneholder ASMR lyder som: drikker, svelger, spiser, tygger, men ikke snakker.
ADVARSEL: Spise er IKKE ekte, prøv IKKE dette hjemme!
Jeg spiste (å spise boble tyggegummi) mye boble tyggegummi jeg slukket selv bubblegum og det ble sittende fast i håret mitt til å gjøre den største boble tyggegummi i verden!
Te filmy zawierają ASMR brzmi jak: picie, połykanie, jedzenie, żucie, ale bez mówienia.
OSTRZEŻENIE: Jedzenie NIE jest prawdziwe, NIE próbuj tego w domu!
Zjadłem (jedząc gumę balonową) dużo gumy balonowej. Nawet połknąłem gumową gumę do żucia, która utknęła w moich włosach, tworząc największą gumę do żucia na świecie!

These videos contain ASMR sounds like: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing but no talking.

Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a euphoric experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine, precipitating relaxation. It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia.Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) signifies the subjective experience of ‘low-grade euphoria’ characterized by ‘a combination of positie feelings, relaxation, and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin’.It typically begins ‘on the scalp’ before moving ‘down the spine’ to the base of the neck, sometimes spreading ‘to the back, arms and legs as intensity increases’, most commonly triggered by specific acoustic and visual stimuli including the content of some digital videos, and less commonly by intentional attentional control.


40 Responses

  1. Is video is don't like this princess being eat her hear liked bubblegun in Finn and Jake world

  2. FuNgO YT says:

    Hamm….ok?😂😂😂😂 wat this?😂😂

  3. As you might know this is a squirting Flower joke app

  4. logan reeves says:

    Eeww Onion ooohhaaaaaaaaaaaaa😫😌

  5. I think this is the best ADMR I've ever hear – _-

  6. Jean Salvo says:

    Best asmr ever

  7. melene Med says:

    Why was is it PINK ??????IT WAS WHITE ?????????

  8. Yume Foxx says:

    i mean i love garlic but the only bad thing is it gives u bad breath ;-;

  9. I’m_tired says:

    He makes me think his face is a huge mouth and he’s some nice demon that came from heck and started a YouTube channel

  10. I want that toothpaste XD

  11. This is dangerest this man is crazy

  12. What was those green stuff coming out of your mouth

  13. I don't know if it's the tongue or gum

  14. :-!:-P:-:-|:-!:-P:-!:-P;-):-!:-P

  15. Hey Dude01 says:


  16. ce o chicllete era branco como que ele ficou roza vgbnd

  17. Tu mano está manchado con pasta de dientes

  18. Yo the way he eats it is making my mouth water

  19. Georgia Ross says:

    2:41 When you hit the high score of the biggest bubble blown

  20. cherriebud8 says:

    Bro that would hurt my jaw if I chewed that

  21. cherriebud8 says:

    Eat gum with a fork is weird ( 1:01 )

  22. Chenterr says:

    White bubblegum turns pink. Makes total sense

  23. Wow amazing second

  24. Selma Jusic says:


  25. Soy la única que habla español o alguien más habla español

  26. Picsure: hey! Don't do that
    My: yaa

  27. Razin Reza says:
