Eating cat food with black cat [fictional video] | Monster Meal ASMR sounds | Kluna Tik style

MonsterMeal ASMR

This is a fictional video using CG and ASMR. (It is not real, Don’t try this) — This cat is actually a my cat that lives with me. Also this cat isemale and age 3 now.


22 Responses

  1. Hi my dear viewers : D

    This cat is my cat living with me.

    And this cat is a woman and is 3 years old. : )

    Thanks for watching

    Please come again next time. XD


    Don't forget the subscribe to me!

    Monster Meal ASMR Channel▶

  2. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dac kiut cat 💖💖💖💖💖💟💞💞💞💘💗💗💝💝💝

  3. Ура новый видосик:> люблю кошачек <3

  4. Gacha Men says:

    Stay home monster meal wash your hands on if you kill coronavirus

  5. Ma che è successo al minuto 4:33?

  6. E la prima volta che fai un video con il tuo gatto. Meno male che il gatto ha mangiato qualcosa perché sé non gli davi niente ci rimanevo hai un cane 🐕?

  7. have fun eating your cat meal

  8. so beautiful cat i love this cat .

  9. Alexa Fores says:

    Quiero que me saludame por favor eso me aria muy felis 👍💗💙💜❤💕💓💟💞💖

  10. Octoman says:

    Is this what stomedy does now?

  11. Is that your cat in the video?

  12. Papá mamá MAETO papá bebé está muerto ksfñhlzkflclcubjbkvuytkcfchi xuhgcurvj

  13. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. Duoc Pham says:

    She is so cute

  15. Nooo eat cat. Cat is funy

  16. Котик такой милый,😍 какая это порода?

  17. I love your cat 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  18. 姬姬 says:

    This video:*eats cat food and dog food*

    Battle cats: so you have chosen death

  19. Amigo porque no le diste atun a tu gato