‘Everyone Right To Go’: Here’s A Dan Andrews ASMR Video To Celebrate Victoria’s Low COVID-19 Numbers


As Melbourne remains in stage four lockdown amid the coronavirus crisis, locals are turning to the internet to keep positive. And what better way than dissecting Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews’  daily news conferences?

Andrews has fronted about 80 consecutive press briefings throughout the pandemic, and while this week’s declining case numbers is a promising reason to smile, this ASMR clip is also doing it for many.

ABC producer Renae Barber noticed Andrews has a very particular way he starts his daily press briefing: “Everyone right to go?”  

Check out Barber’s supercut which was edited only using a week’s footage:

It seemed the premier was well across the fact that his choice of words resonated with the people when he posted a roasting of his own press conference ritual in August: 

Some viral-worthy online videos paired with average cases over the last two weeks in Melbourne falling below 33 plus Andrews’ North Face jacket and his trusty advisors (ahem, the Brett Sutton is HOT Facebook page has more than 12,000 likes) seems to have won the favour of the Victorian people. 

A Tuesday Newspoll found the Labor leader is in the good books with a majority of Victorians for his management of the second COVID-19 outbreak. 

According to The Australian newspaper, nearly two-thirds of voters rated the state’s lockdown as “about right” with 62% of Victorian voters saying Andrews handled the crisis well despite the botched hotel quarantine strategy that caused Victoria’s second wave.

Victoria reported on Tuesday three coronavirus-related deaths and 28 cases, compared with two deaths and 11 cases a day earlier.

Melbourne is on an extended hard lockdown until September 28 and if the two-week average number of infections is below 50 by then, restrictions may be eased.

Melbourne will then be, indeed, “right to go.” 


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