Face and Skin Painting Role Play – ASMR

Asmr Vids

I continue the face painting and skin painting role play. In this one, I gently talk and show you how to mix paint colors on skin using my hand. I also mix paint on your face and wash it off. Water sound and brushes as well.


21 Responses

  1. EBenz315 says:

    Omggggggggggggaaaaah your voice is sooooooo relaxing!!! Love seeing you show up in my subs!! πŸ˜€

  2. EBenz315 says:

    Also you're extremely brave to paint your camera lens for us!!!

  3. Great video, very relaxing! ASMR heaven when you painted 'us' πŸ˜€

  4. WhisperHub says:

    This video is fantastic tho i will have to watch the rest of it later as I was out cold in about 5 mins. Great stuff πŸ™‚ x

  5. EveRos3 says:

    I love your videos. Great work keep it up:)

  6. barmyb says:

    Brilliant video, thankyou very much =)

  7. What kind of camera do you have? x)

  8. This is why I knew I liked you from the first video I saw of yours, your kindness and wit shine through in your voice πŸ™‚ Also, the part where you say its just stuff reminds me of George Carlin's "Stuff" stand-up bit. Very wise my friend.

  9. Blah Blah says:

    such a soothing voice

  10. PurpleJive says:

    I absolutely love these videos. Please don't ever stop making them.

  11. This video on a big screen and a hand ful of shrooms Is world shattering..I thank you.

  12. PWiggs says:

    This video + heroin is amazing! Thank you so much!

  13. OJJL says:

    what did you paint on at the end? o_O not the camera I hope o_O

  14. Silver says:

    Nicely soothing.

  15. Another great video….what video do you use as its great?

  16. 12:17 – Bob Ross moment.

  17. Tom Brauman says:

    howd u know i wanted green?

  18. Tom Brauman says:

    and stop painting my eyes

  19. I dunno how much you actually do skin painting or color mixing in real life, but if you threw a little white paint in the mix as well as the red and blue, you'd get a much perkier purple! =]

  20. loved that,thank you for doing it :o) VERY RELAXING

  21. Sapphire B says:

    "So what color do you want?" "PINK!" "Green? Okay." "NOOOO"