Face painting ASMR! Kids Birthday party, soft speaking, brushing, personal attention

RiceBubbles ASMR

Hello lovelies!

I had a very productive video weekend! As a result, here is another role play!

Today, you’re attending a birthday party, and the host has kindly hired me to do face painting. Sit down and relive easier times while you get your face painted! You tell me what you think I turned you in to!

Jenna xx

You can also find me on
Twitter: @ricebubblesasmr
Instagram: @ricebubblesasmr

Email Contact: ricebubblesasmr@gmail.com

What is ASMR? Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is most widely felt as a tingly feeling down the back of your neck, in your scalp and sometimes down your back. This tingly feeling can be very relaxing, and super calming. People have reported that ASMR helps with feelings of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Scientists are starting to do some more research in this field, and I for one am super excited to start learning more about it.
ASMR has helped me through a lot of tough times, but remember, ASMR isn’t a cure, it can help you feel better, but you should always contact a professional to assist if you, or someone you know is in crisis.


5 Responses

  1. shadowy wolf says:

    Water puppies . Love them … Any puppies love them .I think I had my face painted once but I don't recall . Is 1990 your birth date.i was born in November .I miss the 90s . Sorry I'm ranting lol 🤣 great video

  2. Loved this and you 💗✨☺️

  3. Miss Crunchy says:

    I love it! ❤️ Love your channel! ❤️ 😊 Keep em up, Left a fat like!😉 More power to your channel and continue to upload videos that I’d like ☺️

  4. Great video! Live your earrings too 😍