Face Painting by Rob Ross [ ASMR ]

Ephemeral Rift

Having been recently reanimated by Professor Clemmons, world renowned painter Rob Ross is here to give you a special face painting alongside a babbling …


48 Responses

  1. sethscoper says:

    It feels like I’m kidnapped when I watch this

  2. Imagine the effort that went into this

  3. His name should have been rob boss

  4. Tomkanplay 2 says:

    1/10 did not use a THIN coating of liquid white to cover the canvas or beat the devil out of his brush

  5. Nick Barko says:

    This made me happy

  6. Ggcoke14 says:

    It is Bob Ross not b
    Rob Ross

  7. LestorLP LP says:

    His name is Rob so does it mean that his full name is Rob Boss?!

  8. Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. Nice vid

  9. Read the title again.

  10. Robb Stark + Bob Ross?

  11. Uhhhhh I never closed my eyes as you painted them….

  12. Well I’m not as relaxed now knowing there are super mutants and other monsters running around outside. YOU DIDNT HAVE TO TELL ME THAT ROB!!!

    Love the video though.

  13. We need more of these.

  14. I farted 84 times will watching this thats a record 😂

  15. Mine Blox says:

    For a guy who says rob Ross. Or rob boss. I think you have problems, Judging your also in the middle of no where and there he is: THE ALL MIGHT ROB ROSS -some dude commenting on some guys video.

  16. Am i the only one greatly bothered by it not being Rob boss?

  17. Amber Morse says:

    I can barely hear him, he's whispering too quietly!

  18. You're doing good in this life rift

  19. It’sTheman says:

    Rumour has it that his hair is just 2 squirrels

  20. This is too creepy

  21. Queen Vee says:

    it’s not white…it’s HWITE

  22. Holo Graphic says:

    Wtf is this?this is the 2nd bob Ross vid in tried to play and neither of em is bob Ross! Just some whack jobs pretending to be bob Ross. Crazy fucks.

  23. You are a legend E.R 😂😂😂

  24. Hog Tramp says:

    people who dislike this video have worms in their butt

  25. I can’t hear you…

  26. Nic Anastasi says:

    Yeah ok but why don't u have alizarin crimson?


  28. Trey Pacheco says:

    Me sleeping

  29. paint some happy little trees

  30. Please tell me I wasn't the only one here that watched the video to seenif he said "hwite"

  31. He didn’t beat the devil out of the brush……. we’re all in hell

  32. Oatmeal says:

    That's not bob ross

  33. Dolppi says:

    Why not name yourself Rob Boss. That would be so good name for a Bob Ross Parody

  34. Tara Kuhn says:

    It could be etied

  35. Bay T says:

    me: listens to rob ross

    me when the video lags: i swear i’m gonna punch something

  36. Ty Goat says:

    Ik I might sound dumb but is that a green screen lol

  37. Liquid white? Blasphemy! It’s titanium white!

  38. Ethan Brandt says:

    It just occurred to me while I was sitting here thinking about Bob Ross has the name Bob; that even though Bob is a generic name I don't think I've heard of anyone besides Bob Ross with the name Bob.

  39. Necro Arts says:

    Funny because bob rosses real name was Robert lol it just shortens to Bob

  40. Sir oofsalot says:

    Theres only one Bobross

  41. He said rob ross not bob ross it is BOB ROSS

  42. I remember saying as a kid “only old people say h-wite!” And then my mom asked my dad (who was 22 years my moms senior) “Ward, honey, how do you say white?” And he answered, “h-wite, why?” And to this day that memory makes me smile.

  43. Mario Rivera says:

    6:126:30 Bob Ross plays minecraft