FBI Agent Polygraph Test ASMR (Writing Sounds, Soft Spoken Ear to Ear, Tapping, Glove Sounds ASMR)



FBI Special Agent Graves has taken you into custody to go over all of the violent crimes you’ve been involved in, and is going to conduct a polygraph test just to make sure everything adds up. He seems nice enough, if a little awkward and peculiar.

ASMR triggers included are soft spoken speech, lots of writing sounds, tapping, leather glove sounds, and heck of a lot of sweat.

This video relates to the ongoing Dimi and Matt story– you can enjoy this video standalone, but for the full experience, watch any of their videos and try to piece together the puzzle!

I’m on Tingles! Jimchi-ASMR
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Any additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

Disclaimer: This video is intended for relaxation. Any views, opinions, or advice expressed is purely for the purpose of entertainment, and to induce tingles through ASMR. These videos are not a substitute for traditional medicine, therapy, or any other professional medium, and should not be treated as such! Take all the advice with a pinch of salt, and certainly don’t take it to heart. That being said, please enjoy them, benefit from them, and hopefully get those warm, tingly feelings. Oh, and it’s not for kids.


46 Responses

  1. too sad over Dimi to sleep 😭

  2. Hmm something is suspicious…

    FBI Agent: keeps touching his face
    My brain: GUILTY

  3. Tbh I come here for the tingles but for everyone interested in the plot and such (which is done fantastically, may I add), at around 13:29 Mr. FBI Agent did indeed blink S.O.S in Morse code.

    Edit: again at 20:40 and 26:09

  4. Chris David says:

    ERP game must be on point just like your ASMR videos XD <3

  5. When I saw the notification for a new video I was already excited and intrigued by the title, but man when I began watching and realized this video continues the storyline done in the past Matt videos all I could think is somebody give this man a Grammy! Truly your work is very impressive and stands out from many other ASMR artists out there. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your videos 💕

  6. Wait wtf is happening? I'm not out here trying to use my noggin bro, I'm just tryna get my sleep on to some cute anime boy probably.

  7. Sequel with Mulder and/or Scully?

  8. You look like Agent 47's lesser known cousin, Agent 69.

  9. Taylor Monk says:

    No fear.
    There’s a good chance that the Saturday video won’t be connected to the Dimi/Matt storyline.
    One fear.

  10. I would like to talk to my lawyer

  11. 애드머럴 says:

    Ahh. Acceptable American currency.
    Get the show on the road, agent.

  12. SG: Have you met me before?
    Malenkee having another PTSD episode
    Malenkee: Dimi..? 😨🤨

    That 'burn' "born" phrase was really sketchy….🤔
    I really miss Dimi, more like I'm going to miss him, my wound hasn't healed yet. 😔
    Those sweat blinks were just hilarious, I have two things in common with you, tummy noises and excessive sweat drips; specially during summer. 😅
    That last confession of the Agent, Jim were so damn relaxing I almost fell asleep in my laptop, one of my favorite triggers low soft spoke, was the agent trying to hypnotize me or was I naturally hypnotizing him?
    Using your hand gloves as a sweat towel remind of an actor who worked at Disney World a few years ago and played Gaston perfectly and used his gloves for his forehead sweats on hot days. 🥰

  13. Timothyprice says:

    Idk why but at some parts when you stared into the camera I thought you looked like Orlando Bloom for just a second

  14. Why would the FBI refer to us as Malenki when that's what Matt called his child in his origin story?!

  15. Michael Song says:

    "We have the facts right here"
    Sorry that is a Pentagon. Now I'm not a man of religion but…
    doom music starts
    On the sign of his demonic enemy, he who is un-resting, will start his violently holy crusade on you and this pitiful world.
    He clears the path with un-fathomable torture. Hea un-breakable. Indestructible. Unyielding.
    Those who know the mark of his blade know him as…the doom slayer.

  16. Are those nervous tics(touching of the nose)? It certainly adds to the tension that the video gives off. Anyways Great video!

  17. Coco Lamarr says:

    I can’t understand a word you’re blinking.

  18. HighOnLove says:

    The last part your whispers so soothing plus you gave me so many tingles, sorry you were melting but thank you for this, so interesting btw.

  19. Me internally the whole time: * is he gonna fix that piece of hair or not cause if not I’m gonna lose it and just start shootin ppl

  20. To me this seem normal for agent graves but once we got to the lie test and he said he had a head ache it was like someone highjacked him and that why his last few answers seemed odd to me. Perhaps this Matt fellow mentally manipulated agent graves just long enough to make sure the viewer. ( you) were safe and let go if agent graves once he said,” why are you lying to me.”
    And he seemed like he came out of a daze too fast or something but that kinda odd.

    Hehe this plot gets more puzzling the more we fall down this rabbit hole to the wonderland Jim made for us.

    Hehe 😉

    Take care everyone and stay safe out there.

  21. Ok i get that i leaked the governments plan to try and wipe out gen z because we eat tide pods for fun, and i killed the lady next door for stealing my pride flag but you have like no RIGHT to take me in. I JUST HAD A BAD DAY OK!?

  22. Watch says:

    I know who did it, it was Mike.

  23. D V says:

    I had a commercial about coffee before the video started and as the music goes I’m reading the comments thinking “huh, must be an “80/90’s” action film cop style only to tune back into this reality to “with a smooth bold taste” and i just cackled. 🤣

  24. Dameli K says:

    Did you guys notice how he said "Mr. Dimitri?" that could be a reference to 'Dimi' and the fact that Dimi has killed many people and is a gangster, could mean that the police is on the lookout for him. Maybe he is not dead after all…. Maybe he has a twin brother pretending to be him and he was the one getting shot while Dimi is in somewhere else….

  25. Oh my God… Agent Smith role play…? 😀

  26. Is Alucard writing in the background audio?

  27. Sara says:

    I get the impression that you could do a great Agent Smith from The Matrix if you wanted lol

  28. Dearest Jimothy,

    Oh my damn. Can’t wait to see where this goes.

    So… are we the ones in trouble needing SOS, or is Agent Graves the one who is fucked.

    You are lovely and hope you are doing well!

  29. As a german I couldn't help myself but laugh every time you said dimitri klettverschluss. love you for that name

  30. Cainmak says:

    Thank you, Jim, for making me feel like a hero of a very convoluted crime story

  31. Chuchow says:

    Watched the Gentlemans, feels weird not seeing your with long hair

  32. GippyWhite says:

    Somehow this performance reminds me of Kevin Spacey, but in a good way!!! And omg… your intense stare is burning a hole in my soul!!! 🔥🔥😓💙💙💙

  33. "Is this about the memes I posted?"

  34. 9 dislikes , niceeeee ratio

  35. The writing and clipboard sounds were crisp. Loved it

  36. So like I definitely noticed the morse code but are the finger signals part of it?

  37. Gloria Woods says:

    The symbolism on the case report, which only appears at 23:09, attracted my attention, but I only had time today to do some further research. Once dabbled in the world of symbolism, I have but to be amazed by Jim's profound knowledge, ingenuity, dramaturgical research, and maybe his intuition in this area. Due to my cultural and educational background, I am not very well versed in Western esoteric/occult knowledge (but it's on my list to things to do), so please bear with me. The research I've done is only preliminary and superficial, and I sometimes have to rely on my own intuition as well. The following analysis needs more in-depth study, and there are many clues that I haven't connected. With these disclaimers, I'll try to analyze the symbolism in more detail (so the comment may be longer than usual, but I'll try to be brief).

    The symbolism is a Pentacle in Thelema on top, a Gemini sign inside the Pentacle, and a Jupiter sign below. It may encompass a Venus sign and possibly an upside-down Uranus sign. I am not sure about the cloth hanger thing on top of the Pentacle.

    The Pentacle is used in magical evocation. So this may suggest that some spirit (demon and/or angel) is summoned. Remember that "Malenkee's" case file number is 699. Strangely enough, it does not show on the case report cover. 699 is an angel number, according to numerology, meaning an angel has answered one's prayer by this number. The three digits in themselves may point to a warning, "be aware of your surroundings and listen to your thoughts and emotions." It could also suggest a recommendation to let go of all negativity, past traumas, and disappointments to allow for positivity. So my guess is that Special Agent Graves is a summoned angel/demon, who is trying to deliver a warning but is thwarted somehow, maybe by some other competing forces. That's why he keeps sending thinly-veiled SOS signals.

    At least two planet signs appear in the symbolism. I am not so sure about the upside-down Uranus sign, so I'll only talk about Jupiter and Venus. Judging by Grimoires (Olympian spirits), Jupiter's Olympian spirit is Bethor. He "responds quickly when called. […] He reconciles the Spirits of the Air (Gemini sign inside the Pentacle?) to man so that they will give true answers (polygraph test?), transport precious stones […]". He "can prolong life to seven hundred years, subject to the will of God […](Matt's long life?) (ref. The Book of Black Magic). The Seal of Bethor corresponds to the second step of Alchemy — dissolution. It means that there will be a breakdown of the artificial structure of psyche (which is exactly what happened to Dimi's fans/maybe also to "Malenkee.")

    The embedded Venus' sign points to Hagith, the Olympian spirit of Venus. According to The Book of Black Magic, this spirit is "the government of venereal concerns." "He converts copper into gold in a moment and gold instantaneously into copper; he also gives faithful serving spirits." In Alchemy, the Seal of Hagith is the "conjunction" (4th) step, which is the empowerment of true self. So there are good things in store in the future!

    In Matt's origin story, he was recruited by Astaroth, one of the Great Dukes of Hell and part of evil trinity. Astaroth is related to Astarte, a version of Venus of Near Eastern religions (but I don't know how this piece of information fits in for now). August is his month, and we are now in August! One of his features is that he answers every question formulated to him. This makes me wonder about the meaning of the polygraph test. If you look at Astaroth's Seal, it also includes two parallel lines (similar to Gemini sign) inside a Pentacle. If you stretch it a bit, the symbolism on the case report can be said to be a disproportionate and distorted Astaroth's Seal, plus the Jupiter sign.

    However, Gemini sign in the Pentacle is still a mystery to me. In the tarot cards, King of Pentacle is associated with Gemini. But I don't know how this fits in with the story.

    Based on these meanings, I think maybe, only maybe, Special Agent Graves is called upon to deliver a message to Malenkee, who probably is a devil/goddess offspring or a reincarnation of Astaroth and who is in the process of becoming something even more grandeur. Malenkee may also relate to Matt's past and original life. But no matter what, Jim's ASMR videos are getting more interesting, intriguing, and insightful. It is truly a whole new level of ASMR and artistry.

  38. Marina L. says:

    So the videos with Matt are after Dimi has been killed by him but now we’re back in the present… okay..

  39. Marina L. says:

    Is he blinking in Morse code.. I feel like he might be…

  40. laura lopez says:

    For all the theories I'm reading in the comment section I have to make a timeline with all of the videos involve to create the world
    Buuuut I might fall sleep before getting to the half 🤣

  41. the pun in the name makes me disinclined to trust this man 👀

  42. Spoiler alert everyone dies.

  43. LuCek says:

    This story is a bit confusing, like the movie „Predestination” but, if I have to be honest, I was waiting for the heartbeat 🙈🙈🙈

  44. Now just waiting for that German doctor roleplay

  45. Aaron hotchner looks different here 👀