Five Ways to Manage Finals Stress — DIG MAG



Make sure to take care of yourself

Students are so caught up in trying to complete their final projects and study for their final exams that they forget to take care of themselves. Making sure to practice self-care the weeks leading up to finals week is important so that you don’t overwork your body when the exams finally come.

“Four fundamental areas of self-care include good night sleep, good nutrition, exercise, and meaningful social connection,” said Hwang.

Whenever I feel overwhelmed with my school work, I take a break and go for a quick walk around my neighborhood. This helps me clear my mind so that when I go back to study-mode, it’s like a fresh start. 


Know what works best for you

When it comes to studying, many students have different techniques to help them through the process. It is important to know what works best for you when you’re studying. Create a study plan to help you get through the long hours of schoolwork and studying. If you feel like you concentrate better at night, study at night. If you like to study with background noise, put on some calming sounds to get yourself in the zone. Personally, I love to listen to ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) when I’m studying or doing homework. The goal of ASMR is to give you a sense of relaxation through sounds like whispers, tapping, and mouth sounds, just to name a few. It puts me in a really calming headspace that relaxes me and helps my mind and body not go into stress-overload while studying. 



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