Glaswegian’s ASMR videos are going viral as students enjoy the noise of studying ‘together’


A Glaswegian student’s ASMR videos of home and library study sessions have gone viral – and are also inadvertently helping fellow students across the globe amid the pandemic.

Merve started recording the ‘study with me’ videos and posting them on Youtube around three months ago to share both her love for her home city and for the University of Glasgow – where she is currently studying for a Master of Research in International Relations.

To date, her videos have been viewed more than 1.5m times by people in 167 countries, with many commenting that the videos give them some much needed study ‘company’ while they’re alone during the pandemic.

Glasgow Live reached out to Merve to ask some questions about the inspiration behind the videos and how she feels about her surprise success.

What led you to start recording the study sessions for Youtube?

“Well, the ‘study with me’ concept has been around for at least a couple of years, and there are many successful accounts from different parts of the world. So, there is nothing new about what I do. What led me to share recording myself while studying is my love for Glasgow I would say, especially for the University of Glasgow. I know that I will not always be able to study at this magnificent university, so, I wanted to save some memories.

“Opening a Youtube channel and putting my videos while studying at the library or walking around the fabulous campus was initially only for me. But with the Covid-19 outbreak, I thought that my study videos might be of help to many people, to students in particular. There are lots of people struggling to find the motivation to study alone in lockdown.

“To be honest, I study hard. I have always been a hardworking student, and working with me generally ended up well for my classmates. Hence I started sharing my study sessions on YouTube and the feedback I receive has been amazing so far.”

Have you been surprised at the success of your videos?

“Yes, definitely. My channel has been discovered and loved by a large number of people earlier than I expected, which is nice of course. I have especially been surprised by being watched by people from 167 different countries. This is awesomely surprising and pleasing at the same time.”

What do you think people obtain from watching them?

“I believe people want a company to study. Particularly, during these unending pandemic days. Majority of the courses are online and most people are studying or working from home, alone. We’re longing for the good old times when we were able to fill in the classrooms, learn together, study together, laugh and worry together.

Merve is currently doing a Master of Research in International Relations at the University of Glasgow

“I think people watching my videos are filling this gap by virtually meeting with fellow students all around the world. They come together in a specific time slot to study together or they basically open a pre-recorded video to increase their motivation and concentration. Moreover, many of them encourage each other to study harder, not to lose motivation even though they haven’t and, most probably, will never be met in real life.”

And what has pleased you most from the comments from those who watched them?

“I have been receiving good wishes, thanks and appreciations of the viewers. Many of them express in comments or in private messages that my videos have helped them study better, increased their motivation. Sometimes they say that they got better results in their exams thanks to my videos.

Merve’s study sessions are recorded either at the University of Glasgow library or at home

“Some even go further and argue that the whole credit in their success belongs to my videos. Of course, this is the most exaggerated expression of their gratitude. Nevertheless knowing that I am somehow able to help people to change their study habits, to stop procrastinating and being more productive is a perfect satisfaction to me.”

Keep up the good work Merve!


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