Green Dragon

YouTube Movies

The story of some Vietnamese refugees as they first arrive at Camp Pendleton in the United States as the Vietnam War ends in 1975


33 Responses

  1. Stop posting these movies.

  2. I never saw this movie until today. My neighbor of forty years is named Minh. And he is my friend. Little Saigon is in a nearby city. This movie made me sad. God help us…

  3. It just sucks that we're not going to be able to watch Patrick Swayze be assassinated or / executed for his crimes against humanity that's okay I think his health fell away from him because of the things that he was doing that gained his notoriety dancing with the devil and eating flesh of the children is not a good thing

  4. I like how in the end, they all went out for ice cream.

  5. This movie validates the horror stories that several of my refugee Vietnamese clients have told me of their families dying in Vietnam, the risk of trying to escape, giving up all they owned to get away, leaving family behind, the suffering and struggle they endured, and continue to endure even today because of how their lives were destroyed by war. I cry when I recount to others the stories they have told me. None of this is an exaggeration. These people suffered greatly.

  6. Mark D'Avis says:

    Commercials every 2 minutes.

  7. Darned good flick! I had misgivings but am vert glad I put them aside and watched this movie!

  8. Myra Peneyra says:


  9. DandD D says:

    Hebrews 4:12
    King James Version
     For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

  10. P Arroyo says:

    Until seeing this movie, and finishing it just a minute ago, I hadn't realized how much I miss the sounds of the Vietnamese language, the scents of Vietnam — the foods, the people, the accompanying din — and even the rush of enemy contact. I'd forgotten my love for the beauty in some parts of Vietnam and the surrounding areas, the flow of the ao dai, and the commitment shown by most of the Vietnamese with whom I worked, that their children would not have to fight Communists. I miss the lyrical names of the places I was privileged to work — from Dalat to Bong Son to Danang to Quang Tri to Dong Ha and locations farther north and west — and the names of the people with whom I worked and socialized — Dai, Long, and others, right along with the women who worked in the mess halls and provided housecleaning services back in garrison: Hoa, Thuy, and so many others, whose sing-song voices and girlish laughter will be with me always. I shall ever have in my heart the time I spent on multiple tours of duty in your country which became my own to love. You have my sincere apologies for my own country having abandoned you, but please know that Vietnam and y'all own my soul. I will eternally be your…

    Đại úy Paul
    Drawer 22
    De Oppresso Liber

  11. I am dying inside. You will always be loved by me.

  12. I served in the Corps during these times, Mr. Swayze accurately portrayed a Marine of that day and in that situation ! Mr. Whitaker was also outstanding. This is one of the hidden gems that escaped fanfare but should have been award winning in many major categories. Thank you for the priviledge of revisiting the past and viewing this video ! There is and always was a great deal of humanity in the Marine Corps despite what the media likes to portray !

  13. Thank you for making this movie. I had no idea what the Vietnamese people went through. Even though I had moved to California in 1974, I was oblivious to the war and the refugees. Shame on me. Again, thank you for experience of your movie. Grateful for the USA trying to help.

  14. Brave Soul says:


  15. No end on movie 😡

  16. mark asbury says:

    Forrest And the little boy broke my Heart,And what happened to thel little bota sister .Good Movie.Sincerly Ginger aka Mark.P.S. RIP PATRICE.!!!!!!!

  17. Who new was Really good never new…

  18. Stone Rose says:

    Patrick Swayze Has Always Been A Great Actor He Is A Legend RIP There Was Only One Patrick Swayze Its Sad We Lost Him

  19. I'm sorry, but I don't understand one thing. Why did the one man kill himself?

  20. Great movie great actors. RIP Patrick Swayze gone too soon.

  21. Imagine being displaced from our homes in the United States. Greatful to all US vets for protecting our country.

  22. Drumma Boi says:

    really good flick youtube fam

  23. Jess Kerr says:

    Welcome to America the greatest nation ever…no matter what

  24. And the story continued, most found jobs work hard and made it.. Yet other people born here piss and complain about everything. And blame evey one else about their lives..

  25. Good movie really love is❤.

  26. A bit of a fluffer, not everything needs to be a sledgehammer of truth. Most importantly though this wasn't an American movie with Vietnamese in it. It was a Vietnamese movie with Americans in it. It was their story not ours.

  27. R Schiavvo says:

    wasn't it ted kennedy and the democrats who abandoned the south vietnamese?

  28. Best movie ever y👍👍👍👍👍👍