Hand Massage ASMR no talking Sam Shaves

Sam Shaves

Hand Massage ASMR No Talking by SamShaves

I hope you enjoy it please leave a comment telling me what you liked or disliked and how I can improve the video.

Twitter: @SamShaves

What is ASMR: Autonomous Meridian Response
ASMR is a sensation tingles relaxation sleepiness
These feelings may be triggered by a lot of things:
1) Whispers, slow speech, soft spoken voices
2) Massages
3) Personal attention from someone
4) Watching other people performing simple tasks
5) Any type of Role Play
6 )Haircuts
and much more.


2 Responses

  1. Snorlax says:

    Leave without saying goodbye? I get it ):

  2. podein011 says:

    This video is awesome. Don't know why it doesn't have more views.