Henry Cavill seduces you softly while talking about Witcher’s swords – ASMR


By Kirk McKeand,
Thursday, 30 January 2020 14:08 GMT

I’ve developed a bit of a man crush on Henry Cavill ever since he donned the leather armour and silver hair of Geralt in Netflix’s The Witcher.

The guy has biceps for days and a chin that could stop a bus. When he’s Geralt, he’s all gruff and raspy. You can tell he played the games before jumping into the role and uttering “fuck”.

When he speaks in his normal voice, he sounds like a posh man whose mum and dad bought him a house when he was 11. Still, it’s nice on the ears isn’t it? That soft, posho voice, so calm and collected.

Because of that, I could listen to him talk about anything, and Netflix, luckily, just keeps letting him talk about stuff. This time, it’s Geralt’s swords, what they mean to him, how he uses them, and the effects the team used to make all that stabbing look really, really painful.

Have a watch:

If you want more – and let’s be honest, you do – here’s Cavill talking about that one shot fight scene in the first episode. I really like how he calls out the rest of the team by name. What a gent.

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