How to use sawfish (carpenter shark) [fictional video] | Monster Meal ASMR sounds | Kluna Tik style

MonsterMeal ASMR

This is a fictional video using CG and ASMR. (It is not real, Don’t try this) — My saw was broken today. : ( But I solved the problem using sawfish. ^^ ;; ASMR uses …


13 Responses

  1. Hello friends ^^

    How have you been?

    I wish you good health and good things with you.

    Thank you for watching : )

    See ya! XD


    Don't forget the subscribe to me!

    Monster Meal ASMR Channel▶

  2. あんゆん says:



  3. Niki Dreams says:

    Hello, l like Your video new sub

  4. È la prima volta che nella cornice non c'è nessun' animale ma c'è solo il mare.

  5. Ma che è successo al minuto 2:34?

  6. Che sapore aveva il pesce 🐟 che hai pescato😋?

  7. Good day for me to brrr 0900 bro food

  8. Ruth Efantis says:

    Hello pal⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒ I have been feeling little bit much better my throat still sometimes hurts when I swallow some food I gotta ♡^▽^♡ how u use Swordfish 2 cut the log & put some easy cheese on it☬️

  9. AngelPlayzG says:

    Yooo it has been months bro im sorry that i left your channel alone, i promise ill stay active and watch your videos everyday

  10. Hi^^°
    Do you remember that one time? If you don't , it was about me on my other account [with an older username]…. I commented something about me having 0 likes, but….. In a rude way…
    So you reported me…. I am terribly sorry…….
    Like a lot.
    Edit: The username was MadTALKINGTOMPlayer277