Life Is Easy

One of the most relaxing massage I’ve ever seen. Happy ASMR!

How to perform Indian head massage Tutorial:
Have the recipient take a seat and get comfortable. Explain what you will be doing, and tell them to notify you of any discomfort or pain. Stand behind, placing your hands lightly on their shoulders as you both take several deep breaths.
Massage the shoulders. Begin easing away fatigue and tensions with an upper back, shoulders, arms, and neck massage. Squeeze the trapezius muscle (at the base of the neck) gently, starting close to the neck. Work your way outward to the shoulder. Repeat this three times, allowing the pressure to increase with each pass.
Massage the tops of the shoulders. Place your forearms at the sides of the neck and roll them outwards toward the shoulder by rotating at the wrists. After rotating, lift your forearms and move them a couple of inches away from the neck and repeat. When you reach the shoulder, come back to center and repeat this process two more times.
Know the benefits. The therapeutic benefits of the Indian head massage are comprehensive, suggesting that you make it a part of your overall health routines. They include:
Relief from pain and stiffness in the muscles of the face, neck, upper back, and shoulders.
Increased mobility of the neck joints.
Relief from tension and hangover headaches, eye strain, TMJ, and nasal congestion
Renewed energy.
Reduction of depression, anxiety, and other stress-related issues
Higher levels of creativity, clarity, and concentration, and better memory.
A sense of tranquility, calmness, and positive well-being.
Sound, restful sleep that leaves you refreshed.
Deeper, calmer respiratory system.
Stronger immune system.
Improved skin tone, health, and colour.
Healthy hair and scalp.
Increased self esteem and self worth with greater self awareness
Balanced chakras.
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5 Responses

  1. Jay Fishcale says:

    Love your videos! Would love to contribute some tunes to your show I'm a recording artist/producer! Got an email?

  2. i want to come in india atleast once in my life soo i can get the best head massage in my life

  3. Tash K says:

    What does the motor thing do?

  4. Alphatier says:

    ,,No talking"…

  5. JKuda says:

    The first time he hit his back and you added the exclamation points, I was laughing so hard. loved the video man!!