Jessica Alba Revealed HerTrick for Dramatic Lashes In an ASMR Beauty Tutorial


Jessica Alba Revealed Her

Trick for Dramatic Lashes

In an ASMR Beauty Tutorial.

Alba’s back with an ASMR makeup

tutorial featuring whispering

and other makeup sound triggers.

If you use ASMR to relax and love a

makeup tutorial, it’s exactly how

you should spend your time. .

During the video, she shared how she

achieves a “dramatic difference” in

her lashes without the help of falsies.

Alba uses the Extreme Length

Mascara + Lash Primer from

her company Honest Beauty.

Honest Beauty’s 2-in-1 calls for waiting

30 seconds between steps, which

Alba demonstrates in her video.

If you draw one takeaway from Alba’s

video, it should be that dramatic

lashes are all about the prep work


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