Jurassic City

YouTube Movies

Prehistoric animals emerge from a science lab and tear up most of Los Angeles.


7 Responses

  1. ConTroller says:

    From bad to worse and then to ok. If you have beer, drink it quick. Just my opinion and in it, last 15 minutes is 4/10 if you don't see the first 75 min, over all 2- 2.5/10 and cgi is 5/10 (not half bad to be positive!). Makes Jurassic World 2, Oscar worthy. Fun watch though if you look for stupid doing spontaneous stupid stuff. Like asking for just one kiss with a raptor taking too long to come get you so you can get the "fly honey vinegar?" dialogue before raptor's lunch break… LA won't get a chance to complain about hanging on for it's faith in a sequel that'll never come in a short abrupt edit. Understandably

  2. TheSpiral01 says:

    First, the actor quotes Steve Urkle, 11:54 "did i do that", then the same character quotes an old commercial that says, 20:52 "you're either a passenger or a driver". Sheesh, had just about enough of this.

  3. Sammy J says:

    I like Ray Wise.

  4. Kevin Ennis says:

    I've watched worse, at least it made me laugh and, except for a couple of them the chicks are rather hot! Also until now I did not know raptors were bullet proof!

  5. Ronald Ronca says:

    We have nothing to hope for if college students are as stupid as the kids in this movie wannabe

  6. This movie was free to watch but I still want my money back.

  7. tsimahei says:

    could have been better with less kill count. The suspense was good. Did not need a massive escape. would have been better without that, but stopped in a nick of time. And, ONE story not two. Babes or badass, not both. Had they had to team up, yes.