Karuna VS SouthernASMR Sounds | HotBox ASMR 😬

Myles Spears ASMR



46 Responses

  1. Kawaiini says:

    Karuna did nothing wrong, period.

  2. Happy Lady says:

    Why would Karuna say to anyone that he is trash!?! I don't want to hear about racism and politics either. Karuna is not racist, allegedly, she is BULLY

  3. shunniepoo says:

    Hi boo !! Miss seeing your cute face xoxo ❤️❤️

  4. I totally agree with you about Karuna doing something that needed to be done. Us white people do need to call out each other. Mary's crying video was sad but I didn't feel bad for her, I felt that it was a great learning experience for her. Her tears and issues truly are very minimal in comparison to black lives being lost because of racism in our country. I unfollowed her after Karuna called her out and refollowed once she addressed it. It bugged me that she had gone out of her way to make statement about not making a statement.

  5. Miles Spears Asmr its really nice to see someone stick up for karuna. I truly believe she had no ill intentions. She didnt know anyone from her community would go threaten Mary. Thats not what her channel is about. She even stated the people making those threats are NOT part of her family. She doesnt condone that and when she found out she addressed it. But a few people are still making very hateful comments toward her. Which she does not deserve. She is a good person with a kind heart and it breaks my heart to see her hurting and treated like this over a misunderstanding. I hope she sees this video. I hope people will let it go now that they have both spoken and mary even stated she doesnt want anyone going after karuna. So i hope people will stop the hate towards her. She and her kids were also getting death threats. So sad. 😢🙏🙏

  6. ripxdoc says:

    aliens do be out there though

  7. toughsuga2 says:

    This was relaxing

  8. I love your hair like this! ❤❤
    Your collab with Karuna was one of my favoritesss & I for one was happy to see her call Mary out, so I was interested to see you speak on this.

    We have such similar ideals & I love these talks. Keep elevating higher, love! ✨

  9. i saw mary's crying videos and just had to laugh jfjkdskss bye

  10. j j says:

    Yass!! 💨 I keep missing your live videos girl :>

  11. Wow. You are a beautiful human being.

  12. Kyle says:

    "Most of her viewers are white, so their opinions matter, but not that much." huh. I bet you also think people cant be racist against white people right?

  13. P. S. You don't sound crazy at all. Just high as a kizzite. ✋☺️

  14. I was conflicted tbh. There definitely is a sense of privilege in being able to NOT address something in every aspect of your life, having that escape like an ASMR channel is a luxury and although I believe in using your platforms for good, I do understand why Southern ASMR would say she wanted it separate. She didn’t want to alienate her followers and kept it as a safe space for anyone seeking to detox from all the stresses of real life. We definitely need to hold other white people accountable, but I think Karuna calling her out made it seem okay to harass her due to the culture around being called out especially on Twitter

  15. Kyle says:

    "Do you think people can relax to you if they dont know for sure if you stand up for them?". Funny. Im gay, and traditionally southern states havent exactly been LGBTQ friendly, but i never had this problem. Maybe its time to stop assuming that everyone whos different from you is against you. Maybe just default to thinking that people are good, not evil, if they don't give you any indication to think otherwise.

  16. Kyle says:

    "its just a retweet, its not that difficult". This time, its one retweet. If she sends out that 1 tweet, she then needs to send put tweets every single time a new social movement comes along. LGBTQ? If she doesnt tweet about it then shes a homophobe. Anti trump? If she doesnt twet about it then i guess shes pro trump, because she took the time to tweet about BLM? See how this can be a slipperly slope? Its not "just" this "one tweet". Mary knows that.

  17. B Neal says:

    Karuna had me speechless with her video but she was 100% correct about white people acknowledging their privilege. As far as the whole drama thing Chile 🤭 I’ll keep my mouth closed. Glad to see you doing well stay safe out here love ❤️

  18. How we gonna get along with aliens 🤣😭 this was too good! Time is tough right now! Smoking a jay is prob the most relaxing thing to do 😎

  19. I think everything got blown out of proportion between both of them. Karuna didn't have any malicious intentions when mentioning the thing about southernasmr not acknowledging BLM. And southernasmr doesn't talk about topics like BLM because of how sensitive the topic is. I understand both of their sides. And I think what we need to do right now is come together and just stop the hate.

  20. josh taylor says:

    Hello Myles Spears your ASMR videos are wonderful

  21. TheSeaCow52 says:

    I havent watched karuna in over a year. Can someone tell my why her dislikes on her apology video are so high? It seemed like a genuine heartfelt apology?

  22. exthreex3 says:

    Okay, what? Is everyone forgetting that Karuna herself is racist as fuck? She has BEEN problematic. Do a basic search and you'll dig up all sorts of things she has said and done. This whole bullshit of her suddenly being woke, I don't buy it. You don't magically turn non racist in your late twenties, you just learn how to mask it and say things to appeal to your audience. Smdh.

  23. Пиздатый чел, мне нравится смотреть), заряжает настроением и своими мыслями вдохновляет)🔥♥️

  24. Лапуль, делай видео с транслитом на русском, я уверена, что тебя многие смотрят, но не до конца понимают💝

  25. yani xx says:

    karuna did nothing wrong. white proper holding other white people accountable is what we need. she didn’t attack her (mary’s) person. why is mary blubbering on camera? it isn’t karuna’s fault that they sent her threats but it was needed that she was called out. period. us POC are struggling. the least she (mary) could do is express her support to us. she’s doing too much crying and not enough supporting.

  26. Sophie says:

    I ended up unfollowing Mary before her statements, and refollowing her after them. I think that even though she didn't really intend to, she did end up addressing the systemic racism within America in her two videos. I really do think that if you're fortunate enough to have such a large platform, part of what comes with that is an expectation from others to use that platform to address issues as serious and as important as this. It's not about saying all of the right words and phrases, it's about opening up a dialogue. And it's important to recognise that the right for minorities to live safely and without prejudice/discrimination is NOT and never was a political issue.

    But in saying that, I thought that it was very unfair for Karuna to call JUST her out. There are many, many ASMRtists and YouTubers out there that still haven't said a thing, mostly through fear of effecting their subs/revenue, and yet only a select few seem to be held to account for that. Karuna should have recognised how irresponsible it was to direct the energy of all of her subscribers towards one solitary person. Threats of violence are never acceptable. At the end of all of this, I am still subscribed to both of them. All in all this situation was complicated and nuanced, and that's something that internet just doesn't cope with very well. On the plus side, as a result of this, I'm happy that I've found your channel, you've got yourself a new subscriber 👍💖

  27. Yanerd says:

    Some of Karuna’s racist posts a few years ago, which is really not that long ago


  28. I see where Mary’s post created misunderstanding but I believe she had no ill or racist intentions, but now she can learn that silence is harmful. What Karuna did was wrong imo and i’m still debating whether to stay subscribed or not🤷‍♀️ anyway, BLM!

  29. Mariah says:

    I can’t believe people think karuna didn’t do anything wrong… if karuna wants to use her platform to talk about blm that’s totally fine. Good for you, but you don’t attack someone just because they don’t want to talk about politics on their channel I don’t care what their content is about. I think it’s important to bring awareness to what’s going on don’t get me wrong but I would never try to shame someone else for not doing the same because it’s none of my damn business. Karunas actions had consequences, people became toxic towards Mary and even went so far as to threaten her and her family.. I can’t believe anyone would try to justify that.

  30. mira nda says:

    this is my type of video i’m a stoner and i love karuna and i’m all up in this asmr drama rn

  31. 2:35 You had me at "I don't care." xo

  32. Karuna was dead wrong for what she did. Have a nervous breakdown on your own channel, but don't force everyone into the pool if they don't wanna. Mary wants to keep her channel about ASMR. Much like Sesame Street keeps it low. ASMR is not political. I'll get that from the news and private channels that specialize in political and social channels/commentary. If you're going after another ASMRist (Karuna after Mary), then you're complicit in the threats and violence that that person receives. Myles mentions at 18:39 the fact that Mary has "South" as part of her channel name. That doesn't automatically make her a racist. That doesn't automatically make her suspect. From the get-go, she has not allowed derision and fighting in comments to existing on her channel because she is an ASMRist. It's her channel, she can do and say whatever she wants and not be forced into saying something that is not part of the content she is featuring in one of her videos. Karuna can do that if she wants. Personally, I find Karuna very young and not fully mature enough to make commentary that affects others. Look at the mess she caused and made another woman and her children fearful of their own safety and lives. As for me, a lowly chronically sleepy viewer of ASMR videos, thank you to Karuna and Mary for the heart and hard work that they put into their videos. Oh and just in case, Yes, black lives matter. What we're seeing is the death of the old white men's club led by the orangutan in office. Wow, thanks for the release Myles! I'm going to have to start my own channel, so I don't gunk up others. Peace and love to all. xoxo

  33. dori44 says:

    Karuna used her privilege to attack the wrong person, which doesn't help the cause, it weakens it. She made a huge mistake. She should have communicated with Mary before making any assumptions and statements. I'm glad she apologized. We don't need more division right now: we need patience and understanding.

  34. Lucanautix ! says:

    ⭐⭐⭐You could make a video only exhaling smoke slowly by the nose,or making Nose O's⭐⭐⭐

  35. Maybe says:

    Just discovered your channel and even though this video is speaking about those current events and issues, damn your voice is RELAXING AF.
    Wanting to roll a J and smoke one with you while I watch. Hope you make more like this! ❤️

  36. Karuna was virtue signaling.she knows shes been thought of as racist so she had to cause a scene and go so hard against Mary-to say ""look at me,I'm defending black lives matter-"karuna time and time again makes irrational decisions.

  37. I really enjoyed seeing your perspective on this. I agree with a lot of the points you made, white people DO need to educate and call out other white people… and I do feel bad about the threats on both ends, but both of them being petty on the twitter TL after everything went down is just uncalled for especially with what is going on right now.

  38. fattwat1 says:

    What would you do if I was trying to force you to do something you didn't want to do or get involved in Karuna should stop bullying people into things they might not want to do be they white or black

  39. fattwat1 says:

    Why keep saying she has mainly white subscriber's Mary has fans from all over the world

  40. ??? says:

    i really like karuna’s videos but i unsubbed cause like.. idk i just can’t see her the same anymore even tho it was a misunderstanding. but it’s alright cause like what’s ONE less subscriber gonna do to her lol

  41. ScorpioVegan says:

    Sending you so much love, I subscribed to you because of the awesome Collab you did with Karuna a year ago. I LOVE your channel.

  42. Karuna has been temporarily suspended by Twitter.

  43. KittieDanger says:

    Peace & Love to All ❤️

  44. Carlo Felice says:

    Hi Myles, if you made an asmr video with main subject your feet you would easily exceed 100 thousand views.
    Think of this humble advice of mine.
    Greetings from Italy