Keyboard typing and mouse clicking — relaxing sounds ASMR


Surfin’ the net for your ears’ enjoyment (well–if you enjoy the sound of it) :p. Typing on the keyboard and clicking. Sorry about the snoring dog, but it goes away about a quarter of the way through the video. ENJOY!

All audio is copyrighted by the owner (me). Without my written consent you may not use this audio for anything other than personal listening.


50 Responses

  1. @montosk me too it makes me less mad and more calm

  2. vnicvnck says:

    sends tingls down my back

  3. Lynn Taylor says:

    I love the keyboard sounds.

  4. Enrique Lugo says:

    this sound remember me my mom, because every morning she entered on my room to work on the PC and that was very relaxing, she died 7 month ago and this video reminds all morning when she was alive… Thank you…

  5. Myredhulk says:

    Dat white noise. 😛

  6. bluslash says:

    Now I know I can't work in an office.

  7. for some reason, this is one of the most relaxing sounds, other than hearing a shower on. thanks for sharing this.

  8. I agree. on both the typing AND the shower.

  9. You put your own dog to sleep with this ! = )

  10. vedicardi says:

    open like 5 of these videos at once

  11. Awesome! I don't share this sort of fetish guys O.o but it helped me check if my typing and clicking could be heart outside my room for my late "elegal" gaming night lol thanks!

  12. Gerald says:

    It's not a fetish. Google ASMR. 😛

  13. Zephrokrel says:

    Is it just me or do I hear snoring..? 😛

  14. Termosaurus says:

    Yes, the description says "Sorry about the snoring dog, but it goes away about a quarter of the way through the video."

  15. Bambi says:

    Now i finally kno what asmr is. I feel sorry for people who don't get it, it's fucking amazing.

  16. Can you make one 30 min long? It would be much appreciated

  17. Selman10 says:

    that background noise is ruining it

  18. Seriously? WTF how can people like this? i get a fckin headache when im on a lan and people are spammin their buttons..

  19. Inno201987 says:

    Well that's one of the many strange, and yet funny things about the human body and mind..
    It's different from person to person, how the mind react to things, and in this case, some people, including me, is getting really relaxed by the sound, of a person typing on the keyboard.
    It may sound strange to you.. but think about it, there is some things in life, that makes you relax, but maybe you just haven't found them yet!
    Have a great day 🙂

  20. Make better if u are able to

  21. sorlino89 says:

    Τhere is an annoying background sound…i guess it is the computer fan.

  22. ZaXTutorials says:

    if you look very closely you can see that the mouse and keyboard are not moving

  23. MVB 3773 says:

    I thought I was the only one in the world who gets relaxed by these sounds but I guess not

  24. Kat Kat says:

    The dog snoring XD

  25. Good Lord! I never noticed that before!

  26. Dylan Smith says:

    I slept so peaceful, thx bro

  27. dam yall says:

    haha snoring dog

  28. Dodil says:

    Why is this so… Relaxing?

  29. Jeffrey Soto says:

    Play this video every night I can't sleep. The fucking best man!!

  30. Thank you sir for the sound and now i know im not the only one who loves this noise

  31. This is the best one so far

  32. I like keyboard noises

  33. Gold God says:

    Finally a community with the favorite kind of noise.. Thank you uploaded

  34. Q-Bits says:

    would be much better with a mechanical keyboard.

  35. HankradeDFX says:

    i thought it was just me who liked this! XD lol

  36. SunBunz says:

    Wow, this actually helps me concentrate during editing! Music sometimes distracts my thinking, but this helps keep me focused! Thanks!

  37. SunBunz says:

    2:57 can you guys hear the…breathing? WTF is that? Sounds like someone's snoring or something! lol

  38. wtf is this lmfao

  39. Vince Ian says:

    My names vince o.o

  40. boredom says:

    So, this is what my life has came to. I'm sitting here listening to someone click and type for 14 mins straight.

  41. notniamh says:

    +JT smith me too

  42. why does this help me sleep?? like haha

  43. Foxeh_ 708 says:

    I watched this while reading and answering questions,comments it was fun cx

  44. At least this worked for your dog. He is cutting it up in the background. .

  45. This is so relaxing