Listening to ASMR Sounds I HATE Until it Triggers My Misophonia


I have always HATED this one sound & it’s been getting recommended to me as ASMR videos lately thanks to my friend Kassie. So I decided to face my …


40 Responses

  1. When people at school are writing and pick up their pencil after *EVERY DAMN LETTER*. Class room sounds in general. Sniffle, erasers, slight rock of the desk or chair, teacher typing, ect. I prefer a medium constant sound over people whispering at a level that hurts my ears and soul.

  2. xiiStarPlays says:

    I also hate food being soggy that shouldnt! I've gotten sick looking at stuff in the sink cleaning dishes and my parents dont even care ;^;

  3. Lauren: * hates the noise of the first video *

    Me(has OCD): * Hates how unevenly cut the pieces are*

  4. I hate it when your led pencil makes noise

  5. Snowy Gacha says:

    My worst nightmare is a knife getting scraped on a plate or nails on a chalkboard

  6. curious cat says:

    I must be weird cause this didn't bother me,and I liked the ice eating~

  7. Icee Pickle says:

    I have always hated scratching glossy paper.

  8. chimken cat says:

    You know what I hate


    and my life

  9. I hate the sound or even thinking it nails scratching on Chalkboards it gives me goosebumps

  10. I actually scared of the dark and I'm sitting in it right now I am actually super scared so I needed some Lauren to guide me through meh fears and she needed us to lead her through them. 🤗

  11. PokeAidan63 says:

    Whe you scrape your plate with a fork

  12. Ho boi.
    beads in stuffed animals (like beanie babies). Love the toys but *HATE the sound!
    *dry markers on paper.
    *Erasers that dont work
    *when your pencil led is gone and the wood brushes up on the paper. N O P E
    *a few others that I hate so much my brain has pushed them out of my mind, I guess.
    But seriously, I hate the beanie baby noise so dang much UGH.

  13. Nooby Land says:

    I hate when people erase so hard it starts making that squeaking sound also when markers are scribbling

  14. Okay, slight tangent, but "Mood swings? Might be bipolar disorder!"

  15. Just found out something new today, I hate ice scraping too, I chew ice myself, but it’s certain types of ice I don’t like the sound of, but ice chewing is addicting as heck

  16. Salena Stark says:

    well i think i have misophonia i hate scraping sounds i

  17. Gacha J.C. says:

    Misphonia.. ehhhhhh im not gonna watch it..

    But.. Lauren… clicks on vid

  18. sound i hate: opening or scraping cardboard!! ahh i hate it!!

  19. Lol I know this is not a sound but The sound
    I hate is Lauren Z side not getting subscribers

  20. I hate the sounds of screaming and crying children 🙂 just ask my non existent siblings

  21. I hate a lot of sounds, Like the air conditioning in my room makes a loud beep sound and it makes me run downstairs and jump on the couch. The I get down but then get back up, One time I started crying…
    I’m 14 🙂

  22. Did anyone see the video to the side of the article that said "what's Depression?"

  23. i thought the list said the urge to pee before she said it i was so conused lol😂😂😂 but imagine

  24. LPS Wasp says:

    I hate the sound of fingnails on plastic.

  25. if she has misophobia
    and she doesn't like eating asmr…
    how does she eat????

  26. Marcel Staub says:

    How do you eat snowcons and how do you icescate

  27. I hate the squeaking of plastic cups.

  28. I have severe it drives me like a phsyco

  29. M.M.Sch. says:

    11:3 I stopped the video and read that thing "How do you get it?" And i am 9 years old and i have it and i am a girl too sooo ;-;

  30. Xin Yi Cheow says:

    All the sounds you hate I love lol xD

  31. Xin Yi Cheow says:

    I'm scared if Kasey/Gloom sees this vid

  32. I hate when a fork is scratching on a black (green) board

  33. Jelly Fish says:

    So what do you do when you're ice skating?

  34. Kiwi Devil says:

    Sound I hate: Any Scratchy scraping sound and my sister singing and teeth grinding.

  35. • Kyø • says:

    I hate it when it's like have metal rubbing it with metal(sorry for my grammar) same as the teeth and ice

  36. I really hate when a sandpaper is scratch to something and my brother hates a broomstick's sound when scratch

  37. Bearly Berry says:

    1. Finger nails on a chalk board.

    2. When you scratch metal together. Like forks and knifes rubbing together