Making a Cheeseburger Omelette for ASMR Sounds

Tingle Kitchen ASMR

Welcome to the Tingle Kitchen. In this video I make- well attempt to make-a cheeseburger omelette. I had a little bit of trouble going from pan to plate (I didn’t show it in the video) at the end and so it came out a little squirrelly looking. It tasted great though. I hope you find the sounds are just as tasty.

3 to 4 eggs beaten (I used 4 and in retrospect should have used 3)
2 strips of bacon, diced
2 to 3 ounces of chop meat (I used left overs)
Half of a medium onion, diced (optional)
Half of a tomato diced (optional)
grated cheese. The amount and type would depend on you but I used about 3 ounces of sharp cheddar. You could use american or pepper jack…or really almost any cheese you like

cook the bacon, onions, and chop-meat in a frying pan over medium heat.
I cook the bacon first because it takes the longest to cook out the fat. Then after about 6 to 8 minutes or when you bacon is beginning to crisp add the onions. Cook until the onions are beginning to look translucent. Then add the chop meat for about another 5 minutes (sorry I can’t be exact about the times)
put butter or cooking spray in a non-stick pan.
Add the beaten eggs
When they have began to firm on the bottom and sides add the meat and onions to one side of the omelette (for a single fold) or middle if you plan to fold it double on either side (in retrospect that’s what I should have done).
add the diced tomatoes
add the cheese
when the cheese has begun to melt fold the omelette and serve with your favorite sauce or eat plain. I went with ketchup

I hope you enjoy.


24 Responses

  1. I'm subbing before I even watch this video!

  2. B Mart. says:

    onion peeling was the cats pajamas!

  3. This is the first video of yours I have come across; within the first 30 seconds, you had earned yourself a new subscriber in me! 🙂 Off to watch some of your other vids now

  4. This has got to be so hard to do, cooking softly, looks a lot harder than it looks, GREAT JOB

  5. RASHELL31 says:

    To much noise!!

  6. Farha Fatema says:

    you sir, are fantastic!… subscribed. (Y)

  7. swoon. i love a guy who can cook.that looked delicious! great video

  8. Jobo9776 says:

    der god,@tinglekitchen I sure hope you cleaned off your cutting board after cutting that raw meat before you cut up those peppers if not come on sir, what were you taught xD

  9. Is that a cardboard box sitting on the stove? Bad idea if it is.

  10. i like the part opening the bacon plastic covering i slept for 5 mins after i wake up
    i subscibed your channel stay awesome bro

  11. ASMR Sadie says:

    Yummy and tingly too.

  12. mmmm food p0rn… 🙂

  13. Nature Nut says:

    Wow. Just watched that and now I feel like sleeping but I feel like eating too. Awesome job

  14. Nature Nut says:

    Do you happen to have a video of making a pie?

  15. come back……..pleeeeeeze

  16. Eric Newgord says:

    what ever happened to this guy- his stuff was perfect ASMR

  17. Ms Rain W. says:

    one shall not cut meat and veggies on same tray. j/k your videos are awesome.

  18. You definitely need sharper knives 🙂

  19. stduquette says:

    so many critics in these comments, good lord. nice video, hope you come back to making them for this channel again someday!

  20. Im not just relaxed but also hungry need some bacon overload sandwich

  21. I have never heard anyone make an omelette so slowly. I LOVED IT! 😀

  22. Kaius says:

    My sleep saver🥰