Miniature Painting ASMR pt 2


Part 2…Painting the skin tones.


5 Responses

  1. Eucep says:

    I never really got into miniatures, but still, these video's do help give me some pointers for painting my Gundam. 🙂

  2. Deathknell50 says:

    Thanks! Glad it gave you some tips. I think I'll need to zoom in more next time. I've got 4 vids of painting this guy so far. Just haven't finished editing them all. So keep an eye out.

  3. Catharax says:

    more asmr warhammer/miniature videos. now. fuckin right nowwwwwww

  4. Will Reading says:

    Can hardly see the mini, next time try a different camera angle, I do know it is hard to paint with a camera in the way though