My Best Friend is a Vampire

YouTube Movies

A normal, healthy high school student is given the bite of his life from a seductive vampire. As he struggles with his identity crisis, his trouble increases when a “nutty professor” takes it upon himself to rid the world of vampires.


29 Responses

  1. Wuft Chan says:

    love how the guy saw who slept with her but he thinks its the other guy who had the car idiot XD

  2. Demi Nada says:

    Kathy D Bates to young and slim.

  3. Scott Fisher says:

    My best friend is a blow up love doll !!!

  4. Sarah Star says:

    got any mustard in the bag?

  5. Goog Elle says:

    Hahaha, the professor here was also the professor in Ninja Turtles II (the good one by Jim Henson).

  6. He can’t eat pizza! It’s so hard to watch😭😭

  7. Adam Fowler says:

    8:47 that's the von everic estate! Hope Jeremy is ready to fight the caretaker first, before entering.. (witcher 3: hearts of stone reference ).

  8. Wait… Does this whole movie seems they're using vampirism as a thinly veiled allegory to the whole '80s AIDS epidemic and all the controversy that arose from it? (Which makes sense since this movie did come out in 1987). Maybe it's just me and I'm reading WAY to much into things, but I'm genuinely curious if anyone else came to the same conclusion?

    I mean, from main character "catching" the disease from having a sex with a strange woman, to the way that vampires are misunderstood and hated and shunned from society, to the tutor guy telling him he can still live a full and rewarding life. He even mention that certain famous people had it, like one of the presidents. Then, there's the whole parents thinking he's gay plot. They're just way too many things to count and comment on here.

    Just wanted to say, I'm 100% not trying to be hateful in any way, and if I offended anyone I apologize, as I know this can be a very touchy subject. Also I'm not saying that it's bad a movie for attempting something different like this, or anything like that. I just thought it was kind of odd and just weird for the movie makers to try to use a run-of-a-mill average teenage PG movie as vehicle to comment and talk about the AIDS epidemic. I also wonder if wanted people to make this connection or if they did it to intionally go over people's head as a kind in-joke. IMO it feels a bit forced and out of place, but I do recognize it as a clever way to talk about something that was pretty much off-topic for back then.

    My final verdict is….It's borderlines ok-ish, leaning towards bad. It had decent acting, at least for the main roles. The story while alright as it is, could've been done a whole a lot better. IMO, just a lot of missed opportunities with such an interesting concept. Also, the pacing was just off to me and just felt too slow. All in all, It just doesn't stand out enough and isn't as nearly good as some of the other teenage comedy's from that time era. There are much better movies with similar story out there. ie "Teen Wolf" (1985) " My Boyfriend's Back" (1993) ect. (There quite a few others, but those are just two off of the top my head)

  9. Adam Fowler says:

    I'm pretty sure he killed Darla at least 3 different times in the car chase with the police.

  10. In Fact Vampires Love Garlic! Can't get enough of it. Every meal 4-5 cloves! Eaten raw on many occasions.

  11. When the mom said I really wanted grandchildren, I felt that. Awesome movie Def a cult classic in my book.

  12. 80s movies are the best! Good fun comedy!

  13. This is the way vampire movies should be made now.

  14. Charles Long says:

    In a snow storm I once came across two Audi Foxes trying to jump start a Volkswagen rabbit.

  15. Jason Lee says:

    One Way or Another played in this movie makes it more interesting

  16. 1:04:55 Amelia Kinkade aka Angela from "Night of the Demons".

  17. Ki Rovacchi says:

    He looks like a really young Henry Rollins hahaha

  18. joey Bailey says:

    I love this movie!!

  19. I knew the san junipiero girl reminded me of someone. It was definitely Darla. Anyone?

  20. Wow gas was 58cents!!

  21. They so stupid they don’t even have sense enough to check his friends nevk or body for bite marks…. such idiots

  22. Andrew Brown says:

    Bigger overlay can make it feel like pressure has changed. Hearing un'splained (as if ex mean somethin')

  23. The license plate on Ralph's car reads "BVR HUNT".

  24. Ayeee, glad this was free

  25. This was SO cheesy but funny lol.

  26. John Jynx says:

    This was one of my favorite movies as a kid….

  27. De Fowl says:

    10/10. Didnt know the vamps turned into dogs. Cant believe that gurl from his dreams got eith the professor

  28. Great movie i saw it back in the 1980s it was nice to see it again.