Nancy Today: Oiling a piano ASMR 'Sounds of Nature'


Linseed oil helps the wood and makes a piano look even better than paint does.


9 Responses

  1. C. Martin says:

    Looks good Nancy.

  2. NancyToday says:

    the white bits of paint that were still on the bumpy wood are now much more prominent. I'll have to see about getting them off!

  3. hell0hkitty says:

    my husband is a furniture maker, and linseed oil is his oil of choice for everything! he's made a homemade mixture of that and beeswax, and who knows what, and has made a paste that is just glorious on furniture!

  4. NancyToday says:

    @hell0hkitty How cool, a furniture maker!

  5. John Ball says:

    Use boiled linseed oil and turpentine 50/50 and it will work out even better. Then paste wax over the top. A real hand rubbed finish!

  6. NancyToday says:

    @Lilmissmusicgirl96 I didn't know that. It still looks good after three years.

  7. NancyToday says:

    @konkerlooby why not?

  8. NancyToday says:

    @aknabea Now that sounds good.

  9. vivek tandon says:

    aknabea is right on the money