orange / abstract / Canvas / Acrylic Painting Demo / Easy /ART/ Relaxing / Therapy / #00004


Easy to draw on canvas. An original abstract painting with acrylics that you can simply do yourself or with your family using simple things.


4 Responses

  1. EASY ART says:

    Easy to draw on canvas.

    An original abstract painting with acrylics that you can simply do yourself or with your family using simple things.


    – acrylic paints

    – dishwashing

    – art brushes

    – canvas or carton

    – sometimes your fingers

    and little time for creativity. 😉

  2. Wow…painting with aluminum foil is new for me…created some great texture though…learned something new. Nice contrast between the orange slices and the background. Great how you work the flesh of the orange. Lovely flower. Also, nice that you kept the video in real time… makes for a much calmer experience. Nice work! Watched in full, liked (5) and subscribed (19). Hope we can connect! Thanks, Marcus

  3. This looks beautiful. I love the colors your so good 💜 🙂